Currently coaching has proved the most cost-effective way to improve the performance of the organization. Coaching requires a short learning curve "on the job." It improves interpersonal relationships in a group, creates flexibility and adaptability, both individuals and the team as a whole to changes in the organization. Coaching focuses on the goals and needs of the employee. He uses both the strengths and weaknesses of the student. The coach guides the process, but is not it a major force. Coaching is markedly different from the education, training or mentoring. Education focused on the communication of information or skills transfer and check how it was learned. Training begins with instruction and ends with a practical mastery of the information. Mentoring takes place when a senior and experienced colleague, usually long-running in the organization, takes the employee "under his wing." Mentoring is more directive than coaching.
Coaching and Higher Performance
There are coaching appearance - when invited to a specialist from the outside and inside - when a coach is an employee of the organization. Coaching is an individual, when a client is the one person and group, which acts as a client group of people in the organization (Thorne, 2004).
The process of coaching can be represented as a model, which includes four stages.
The first step is to analyze the situation and gather the necessary information. Coaching can begin only when the employee comes to realize the urgent need to improve their professional activities. The best way to awareness of the need to study is an analysis of current activity and performance, and comparison of data obtained with the level in the direction to which the person would like to move.
The second stage is devoted to system planning responsibility. Training and development will be effective only when the student accepts responsibility for the outcome and the process of coaching plan. Drawn up a plan of development staff, including coaching, setting goals, methods and timetables for achieving them. These goals should be specific, measurable, and achievable.
The third stage is the implementation plan for the employee through the use of certain techniques of coaching (Glickman et al, 2006).
At the fourth stage, the assessment of the impact of achieving the Millennium Development Officer, which resulted in summarizing the coaching process. The best-known coaching techniques based on the psychology of the individual techniques are the 3-D (three dimensions of technology), technology and GROW ABC technique.
3-D technique is aimed at the fastest on the concentration of potential solutions that the student can understand and for the realization of which he can take responsibility. The essence of technology is determined at the beginning of the problem to be solved. Then identifies three aspects of the problems associated with the situation, included in its people and this student. Further options are determined by solving these aspects of the problem and, finally, the student and the coach focus on the practical implementation of the optimal variant of solving the ...