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Skills for Accounting Honor Degree According to QAA Benchmark

Skills for Accounting Honor Degree According to QAA Benchmark


For any student regardless of the field one is in needs to flourish. The job market is said to be dynamic in nature and with time it is becoming demanding with respect to competency levels of human resource required in terms of knowledge, skills and abilities. Individuals need to stand out in terms of being a master in ones field, exhibiting synergy in all the job tasks, delivering utmost quality and have long term sustenance in the company.

Common characteristic that all students should require and should exhibit at all times are management skills. Management itself constitutes various sub skills which contribute towards efficiency and effectiveness. Skills that management skills constitute are Human Skills, Communication Skills, Group cohesiveness Skills and Knowledge Management. It must be understood that in today's world, it is mandatory to possess such set of skills to ensure a promising future as well as survival for a longer period of time ignoring the organization that an individual's work in. These skills go hand in hand with each other and empowerment of a sub skill will not only boost the other sub skills but will eventually boost the main variable.

Personal Skills

Nobody is perfect and I am not an exception however, life is a continuous process of improvement. I as an individual conduct regular self-analysis and self-regulation. In the process of conduction I realized that at a personal level I have weaknesses that have to be tackled with to ensure that I am apt for the degree that I am passionate to work towards as well as the job market. There are 4 aspects that I need to be proficient at to ensure that I do justice to my preferred degree and working field.

Communication Skills & Confidence Level

“When in Rome, do as the Romans do”. Considering that my mother tongue is Chinese and learning a new language is a difficult chore considering its UK. I resorted to books that taught me acceptable English so that I can maintain good interpersonal relationships since language can be a huge barrier. I was able to comprehend as well as implement it in my day to day life. I haven't mastered the language but whatever I have been able to grasp from it has aided me in my personal life as well as my educational life.

Since English is not my mother tongue I am not extremely fluent with it. That is one of the two reasons that is a source of hindrance in presenting projects or public speaking. Secondly, it has impacted my confidence level and I have become more of an introvert. It was upon my father's suggestion that I started practicing speaking skills in front of the mirror. It has been a 3 weeks and I have felt a massive difference in my fluency as well as my confidence level. Communication skills are easy to forget if we do not make continuous use of ...
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