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Public Education versus Charter Education

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Public Education versus Charter Education


Education in the United States of America has a long history. Each and every generation of U.S inhabitants has been dependent on schools not only to educate children but also impart fundamental knowledge and lessons that will assist them in fulfilling their future responsibilities. Some children were systematically denied or hindered from receiving a quality education whether because of their gender, race, societal status, religion, or some other irrelevant factor. The legacy of the education system in the U.S should not be perceived as a linear collective history that all and sundry experienced, regardless of their background (Hammond, 2005).

Thesis Statement

“Despite popular belief charter and public education provides children an equal chance of being successful in college because they face similar issues like class size, teachers qualifications, and school cirriculm”.

In recent years, enrollments have increased over the private network. Between 1999 and 2004, attendance at private elementary and secondary schools rose 14% while the public network has seen its workforce reduced by 4%. According to forecasts by the Ministry of Education, enrollment growth to the private sector has not been as spectacular, but the decline in the public sector continues. What leads parents to enroll their children in private schools at the expense of the public network? "The booming economy is one of the reasons for the increase in enrollment, in private schools. The decision to send their child to a private school often happens when parents can afford it. "If the government subsidizes private schools 60%; however, it costs almost $ 3,000 per child for one school year, a sum easier to build when the economy is operating at full capacity.

This level of funding is also challenged, that gives more money to its private network. While the authorities are looking for funds to improve services in public schools, the government gives more to the private network. Remains that such a decrease could result in the closure of private schools require students to integrate into the public network, which would increase operating expenses. Tactics at the same time reduce the government's ability to exercise control over private schools. In short, not so easy to change the mode of operation without jeopardizing the security of all provide a quality education.


There is the stereotype implanted in the imagination that the lavish private better education to its students. Marketing campaigns of private schools, combined with the annual ranking of high schools published in the magazines, news and advertisements do much to establish the idea that the private network is higher. The selection of candidates will allow private institutions certainly gives them ahead of their public counterparts, but that does not mean that the best can be found on the benches of the schools. There are also many good students in public schools, whose parents do not see any advantage to transfer them to private schools. Teachers are just as competent and imaginative in public school as in the private ...
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