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[Instructor's Name]Table of Contents

Executive Summary1

Introduction - History and Development of EDF Energy PLC2

Part 1: summary of environmental appraisal analysis3

Organisational environment3

Macro Environment4

Micro Environment6

S.W.O.T Analysis9

Part 2: Identifying target markets10





Part 3: Development of differentiated marketing mixes for each target audience13

Marketing Objective Plan13

Target Market13







Executive Summary

The EDF Energy Plc is a France based energy company is UK. EDF Group's parent company is Electricity de France SA, the company operates through its subsidiaries, and these subsidiaries include fully owned PEI Group, Bert, RTE-EDF Transport, Figlec, EC Krakow, EDF Holding SAS, EDF Belgium, EDF UK Ltd., and many others. The EDF group of companies exists in China, Belgium, France, Poland, the United States, Italy, Vietnam and many other countries worldwide. The company is involved in distribution, supply, generation, and transmission of energy. The company use renewable sources to produce energy such as, thermal sources, hydroelectric sources and nuclear technology. This report includes a brief introduction and history of the company. Moreover, the report also aims to critically analyse the current financial health and financial statements issued by the company. It has been analysed from the financial statements of the company that even in the times of economic downfall and market recessions the company achieved 3% increased in its net profits in the year 2011.


Introduction - History and Development of EDF Energy PLC

France based integrated energy producer, EDF Energy is involved in the distribution, generation, supply, and transmission of energy. The company use nuclear technology, hydroelectric technology, thermal resources, and many other sources which are renewable. EDF's customers includes residential customers, local authorities and industries; the company generate and sale energy to these customers. In addition, the company is also involved in electricity transmission network. EDF also manage medium and low voltage public distribution network. The company also delivers energy services to its customers such as, thermal energy and district heating services. The company currently employs more than 20,000 staff while handling the customer base of 5.7 million. EDF Energy was founded in 2002 after the merger and acquisition of SEEBOARD Plc, London Electricity Plc, SWEB Energy Plc and couple of power stations that poses coal-fired and combination of cycle gas turbine. The UK nuclear generator has also gone into the control of EDF Energy in 2009, which is addition to the purchase of British Energy, which has made it the largest generator in the UK and the main distribution network operator.

EDF Group's parent company is Electricity de France SA, the company operates through its subsidiaries, and these subsidiaries include fully owned PEI Group, Bert, RTE-EDF Transport, Figlec, EC Krakow, EDF Holding SAS, EDF Belgium, EDF UK Ltd., and many others. The EDF group of companies exists in China, Belgium, France, Poland, the United States, Italy, Vietnam and many other countries worldwide. The company acquired major shares Edison SpA on May 25, 2012 (www.google.com/finance).

Part 1: summary of environmental appraisal analysis

Organisational environment


This section will discuss the financial health of EDF Energy Plc. The financial statements of the current years, issued by the EDF Plc ...