Economics And Quality Of Life

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Economics and Quality of Life

Economics and Quality of Life


This study is based on economics and quality of life as economic indicators has a direct impact on the quality of life. The quality of life in many countries usually expressed in indicators such as gross domestic product, transportation services or the quality of environment. From these indicators, it is difficult to know whether people are satisfied with their quality of life or not, as the choices of individuals determine their quality of life. For this purpose situation, it is important and imperative to know the impact of economic indicators on the quality of life.



Economic indicators such as gross domestic product and interest rate etc. show positive results for the economy as long as they accompany by improved quality of life and well-being of the people. The indicators of satisfaction that United States is trying to push through a long period are the main pillars of this criterion which include sustainable development, cultural values, live in harmony with the natural environment and good governance (Andel, Davidow, Hollander & Moreno, 2012). With reference to this, complex calculations of economic indicators can lead to a single number as a sign of the assessing the quality of life in the country.

In relation to economics and quality of life, the economic policy should be based on a strategy and tactical action. To be successful, strategy of economic growth is evident by the global experiences that involve two groups which include the following:

The first group includes factor of an economic nature that are level of economic growth, its structure and mineral resources.

The second group is a factor that is non-economic nature; where we include the human factor in the composition of their needs, value systems, traditions and the way of life itself its condition, its social development in the narrow and broad sense.

The work operation and aspirations of people affected by the above two groups of factors and often their behavior and attitudes in the workplace that correct them under pressure. The transition to different types of post-industrial societies related to activation of the human factor in the reproductive process is a new quality of people's claims and new forms of action in it (Karakus, 2005). They are creating an instrument and increase competitiveness among people in the village and city.

Quality of Life

Effect of Economic Indicators on the Social Outlook

The changes in the gross domestic product and interest rate etc. brings us excellent opportunities to address emerging problems, now all of us have a chance to shift some adjustment of the elements in our favor. The world is changing giving us a lot of solutions each of which is able to choose those that meet our specific needs. Quality becomes a factor in particular, a great influence on our market, companies often asking for some to adapt to the requirements but also to guarantee that adequate publicity economic meeting certain requirements with which we are dealing. Today the need is some skillful adaptation to the requirements of what ...
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