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Answer 1: Problems That Arise In Using Annual National Income Figures to Compare Living Standards in Different Countries

The benchmark of dwelling is a assess of the material welfare of the inhabitants of a country. The baseline assess of the benchmark of dwelling is real nationwide yield per head of population or real GDP per capita. This is the worth of nationwide yield split up by the inhabitant population. Other things being identical, a maintained boost in genuine GDP rises a nation's benchmark of dwelling supplying that yield increases much quicker than the total community (Aalbers 2004 45). 

However it should be recalled that genuine earnings per capita on its own is both an inaccurate and insufficient indicator of factual dwelling measures both inside and between countries.National earnings facts and numbers can be utilised to make cross-country comparisons. This needs

Converting GDP facts and numbers into a common currency (normally the dollar or the Euro)

Making an change to contemplate dissimilarities in the mean cost of items and services in each homeland to make facts and numbers conveyed at a 'purchasing power parity' standard

Problems in utilizing nationwide earnings statistics to assess dwelling standardsGDP facts and numbers on its own is an insufficient sign of our financial well-being. The next extract acclimatized from an item in the Independent in December 2002 additions up the topic rather well. 'Improving dwelling measures are about poor families profiting get access to what is accessible at the time to make life snug, wholesome and rewarding. In the end, financial statistics only assess what they assess, which may not accept much relative to how well off we are.'Source: Adapted from the Independent

The table underneath presents time sequence facts and numbers on per capita nationwide earnings for the 20 five countries of the European Union. Ireland has made gigantic paces in advancing her relation benchmark of living. In 1994 Ireland's GDP per capita was just 84% of the EU mean but exceedingly fast financial development permitted the Irish finances to rush past the EU15 mean in 1999 and this advancement has been maintained. In compare, Germany's somewhat slow development has glimpsed erosion in her relation benefit in dwelling measures - from a grade 10% overhead the EU mean in 1994 to a grade only 3% overhead the mean in 2002. In 2004, Britain had a per capita earnings (adjusted for dissimilarities in dwelling costs) some 10 per cent higher than the European mean (Allison 2004 606).

Average GDP per head of the 10 accession nations in the year 2000 was only 46% of the EU mean whereas it should be sharp out that there has been advancement in concluding this gap over latest years. Many transition finances skilled a deep recession in the early 1990s but have developed more rapidly since then. Of the 10 accession nations, Cyprus and Slovenia are nearest to the EU mean in periods of a PPP modified earnings per capita.


Answer 2 a: The Macroeconomic Factors That Create Growth in Construction Sector Activity

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