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The key assumptions and conclusions of this paper stem from reflections on various studies undertaken by the author during perestroika and the so-called "transition time" that began in the Ukraine after the dissolution of the former Soviet Union in 1991. The sources of these reflections include several literature surveys and consulting projects undertaken for Ukrainian state agencies, local and regional governments, state and private enterprises, and municipal associations in Russia, as well as participation in several international technical assistance programs that focused on management and local government development.

These included a European Commission program, Technical Assistance for Commonwealth of Independent States (TACIS); an Open Society Institute program, the Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative (LGI); United States Agency for International Development projects on municipal management development in Ukraine: and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).


Initially, it is important to stress that additional studies and development of special terminology with an appropriate "theory of transition" must be accomplished to facilitate the sociocultural transformation within Ukraine''s urban management and local governments. This paper aims only to outline key topics and a framework for further investigation and reflection.

Many in the Ukraine look to the United States as the best example of, and source of knowledge for, self-determination and formation of a post-Socialist market economy and democratic society. Major policy decisions and action plans of the Ukrainian reformation already reflect the deep involvement of a number of U.S. policy makers and experts.

In fact, American culture, economic experience, and geopolitical interests in the region are already quite influential in Ukrainian life. However, successful intervention into the chaotic and confused Ukrainian reform process demands more than attention and a "development program." Appropriate theoretical concepts and deep understanding of Ukraine''s contradictory nature and consequences of its "path dependence" are critical. Studies of geography, population, and recent political history must be developed. The development of emerging Ukrainian interest groups as well will require special attention.

One method for achieving these goals is to create more links between American and Ukrainian "knowledge workers," scholars, experts, and academic institutions. However, there is an enormous gap between the two scholarly communities, due to differences in culture, theoretical background, means of communication, paradigms, and research methodology. Presently, attempts at collaboration are often simply simulations of understanding and cooperation without concrete results. Creating cooperation between American and Ukrainian scholars can begin by asking two key questions: What can help us better understand and illuminate the transition process? Which ideas and instruments could serve as tools for designing and measuring processes and systems in complex fields such as urban management and local government?

The last two decades of capitalist development in Latin America have witnessed an unparalleled period of prosperity for U.S. multinational banks and corporations as well as nearly unchallenged political power exercised from Washington. Notwithstanding the intellectual consensus that has formed around the concept of globalization, the dynamics of these developments in Latin America can best be understood in terms of the workings of Euro-American ...
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