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Analysis of Apple Inc

Analysis of Apple Inc


Apple Inc, one of the leading multinational companies of USA, was formerly known as Apple computer Inc. Apple Inc is known for manufacturing innovative and unique products and services for its loyal customers, and is known for providing quality solution of customer's technological problems (Bauer et al, 2007, pp. 405-423). Some of the key product line of Apple includes Ipad, computers, Ipod and other computer devices

Steve Jobs, with the help of his friend Steve Wozniak in year 1976 inaugurated Apple computer Inc, by introducing their first product with the name of “Apple 1” in the market. Moreover, in year 1977, Apple Inc officially registered, and formulated its first office in in California.

For more than two decades Apple computer Inc was known as the largest producer and seller of personal computer in the national and international market, and was able to accomplish tremendous success, and increase customer pool. Meanwhile, in the end of nineteenth century success of Apple was hindered by numerous internal and external controversies, and that resulted in the decline in the quality and sales of products and services (Del et al, 2006, pp. 94-110). Nevertheless, because of innovative leadership style of Steve Jobs the company was able to recover from the dark period, and emerged as the never tiring force of the technological industry.


Mission Statement of Apple

Being the world leading Multinational Corporation its mission statement should have been innovative; however, the current mission statement of the Apple explicitly defines its accomplishment over the years. The mission statement of the company is as follows

“Apple has constructed Macs, known as the superlative personal computers in the history of world, beside Macs we have developed numerous professional software including OS X, iLife, iWork. Apple is the leader of digital music industry by introducing innovative Ipods and Itunes, we have changed the traditional concept of mobile phone by introducing innovatory Iphone, and company is aiming to redefine the prospect of mobile and computing devices”.

Vision statement of company

Interestingly Apple Company has not developed any vision statement since the time of its incorporation, probable because Steve jobs major aim was to change the life style of every individual by providing unique and innovative technology to use. Thus, aim of the owner is the official vision of the company

Stakeholders of Apple Inc

Stakeholders are defined as a group of people that holds major interest in every operation of the company, and Apple Inc since its inception has consider its stakeholders as an integral part of its company, and ensures to carter the needs of all of its stakeholders (Smith, 2002, pp. 5-15). The internal stakeholders of the company are employees, managers and owners, whereas it external stakeholders comprises of customers, suppliers, government, and various others.

Among its internal stakeholders employees that are working in the company has a significant influence on company decision making process, as they are the one who strive hard to ensure that company achieve its desired goals and ...
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