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Demographic Transition

This phase is said to be a change in the population of the society due to the economic and cultural conditions along with the diffusion of demographic transition in the countries at varying rates and tends to produce the local variations when it comes to mortality, fertility and natural increase. There is a process of numerous stages and every country in one way or the other is said to be in one of the phases namely end, middle or beginning. It should also be noticed that catastrophe barring is said to be irreversible (

Stage 1

This stage is characterized by low growth and is said to last for many centuries. When it comes to the crude death rates and birth rates, they tend to vary in a considerable manner from one year to the other and that too over long periods of time. The NIR is said to be equivalent to zero. The population of the earth is unchanged and is said to be somewhere around half million.

Stage 2

This stage is characterized by high growth. The growth rate is said to be moderate in ten thousand years to come and it is also said to grow ten times faster after 1750. It took place in the nineteenth and eighteenth century considering the fact that many countries moved to the next stage that is stage 2. There is also CDR plummets which is said to decline after the invention of new technologies. CBR, on the other hand, tends to stay stagnant and the difference that is present is said to be high amidst CDR and CBR. NIR is also said to be which eventually leads to higher population growth.

Stage 3

This stage is characterized by moderate growth when there is a transition from stage 2 to 3 and it is then ...
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