Economic Migration

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Economic Migration

Economic Migration

Economic Migration

Economic migration is when people migrate to another country for economic benefits -for work and money. It is not confined to poor countries inhabitants of rich countries also migrate for economic reasons to other countries. (Massey 2005) Traditionally and historically? the UK has been hotspot of economic migrants since it is seen as the 'land of opportunity'.

Thousands of people from all across the world? including Britain? try to move to the UK for a better life. For example a lecturer at University still earns more than someone at a top university in the UK.

Green Card

Thousands of people try to enter UK through both legal and illegal routes. To enter the UK legally? you need to apply for a visa and? for permanent residence? a Green Card. (Esbenshade 2007) This then entitles people to apply for citizenship.

In certain parts of the world? people can also apply for Green Cards through the Green Card lottery system. There are 50?000 Green Cards on offer but they are only offered to those who have completed high school or to those who have worked in a job which needs two years training in the US. Many economic migrants to the UK come from Latin US and the Caribbean. About 150?000 Mexicans enter illegally each year? resulting in 3 to 4 million illegal immigrants in the US. (Rumbaut 2007) They arrive in dangerous conditions such as hidden in the backs of Lorries under legal produce.

Many are willing to risk their lives crossing dangerous water in leaky boats or running the risk of immediate arrest as they burrow under barbed wire marking the UK - Mexican border. They are seeking to escape crippling poverty and hope that the English Dream will come true for them. Many economic migrants find the reality is ...
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