Economic Law And Human Rights

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Economic Law and Human Rights

International Economic Law and Human Rights


International Economic Law and Development regulates economic orders and building economic relations within nations. All the private and public international laws fall under this head. The principles underlined are freedom, equality, cooperation and economic independence. Development is a basic human right which purpose realizes humans as humans. This realization is very important for the fulfillment of the purpose to promote growth and development.

The government has the prime accountability to create such a national and international environment which favors the development, establishes mutual cooperation, eliminates obstacles and formulates development policies focusing the global world (Bunn, 2008).

As per the UN resolution, it should take each and every measure to realize the right towards development. Opportunity should be provided equally to everyone and must be ensured. Basic necessities should be made accessible to all human being which are education, health facilities, food, housing, shelter and fair distribution of income. Women involvement and participation must be encouraged and motivated so that their contribution towards development process may also be counted. Surety must be made to eradicate and remove all social injustices and implementation of economic and social reforms (Steiner, 2005).


It is government's responsibility to take actions to get rid of the huge number of violations against human rights and humans. She should cooperate for the promotion, encouragement and strengthening of the universal respect and observance of human rights and basic freedom for all. Government should also provide its nation with the important inspection for the execution, support and fortification of all aspects which are civil, political, economic, social and cultural. To achieve this aim assurance is necessary to fulfill the procedures for the surety of full control and progressive improvement of the right to development: political, legislative and other measures at national and international level (Bunn, 2008).

The main purpose and values of Charter of United Nations is to attain global collaboration for the solution of worldwide problems related with economic, social, cultural and humanitarian characters. The purpose also encompasses the encouragement and promotion of admiration for human rights and basic freedom without the differences raised for race, color, religion, gender and language.

Human Rights have full power of the natural wealth and resources for the relevant requirements to fulfill the right of people. The Charter calls for the promotion of worldwide admiration from all the nations to observe human rights and provide basic necessities without basic distinctions on race, gender, religion, political view, origin, property, status, etc. The eradication of various human rights at individual and collective level is affected by situations which are a result from colonialism, apartheid, racism, neocolonialism, racial discrimination, aggression, territorial integrity, power, threats against national sovereignty, foreign occupation, national unity; which removal would help to create positive conditions for progress of people (Aguirre, 2008).

The serious obstacles towards growth are barriers which are due to the contradiction of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. Even though, human rights and fulfillment of basic necessities is inter-related ...
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