Economic Growth And Environment

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Economic Growth and Environment

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The relationship between the environment and pollution is the subject of intense public debate. Pollution emissions are often used as indicators for environmental quality with the obvious intuition that more emissions imply worse environmental quality. One's intuition may lead to the belief that emissions simply increase linearly as an area's economy grows through time. An examination of the empirical relationship between economic growth and emissions, however, reveals different results (Esty, 2005).

At the moment, many of the economists are arguing that one needs economic growth to make sure the well being of the economy and to improve the standard of life of the people. In addition, the continuous economic growth in developed economies in general and developing countries in particular is seen as a way to lift people out of poverty and to make their lives financially better (Esty, 2005).

However, when asked about the effects of continuous economic on environment, majority of the economists argued that stability in economic growth eventually results in the betterment of environment in spite of the surge in degradation of environment correlated with the growth of economy (Esty, 2005).

In this research paper, one would argue that uninterrupted economic growth without responsibility will eventually result in the degradation of the environments through human actions. Economic growth is considered as a topmost factor in the progress of any country in modern day business context. However, the continuous economic growth in the long term will not only degrade the atmosphere but also make life harder for those whom today support uninterrupted economic efforts (Esty, 2005).

According to the recent study on the environment, the pollution generated by industries and automobile (through which people commute to those industries) are causing the climate to change its nature and resulting in global warming which is making it harder for people to survive in the present age (William, 2002).

For instance, if one compare the climate of China before the 80's when they first liberalized their economy and initiated the free process of industrialization, one would find that the Chinese climate has become more polluted over time. Many of the environmentalists blame the economic policy of China which is pursuing economic growth continuously without considering its long term impact on their country and especially on the lives of its people (William, 2002).

The Chinese industrial sector is working day and night in order to increase the ...
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