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Research Analysis: Democracy

Research Analysis: Democracy

Section 1: An Explanation of Why the Four Countries Are Suitable For Comparison

The Democracy Index was first published in 2007 by The Economists' “The World in 2007”. Since then, a new edition has been published each year. The index is used to capture the state of democracy is around 165 independent countries, which includes more than 95% of world's total population. The index is formed on 5 categories including political culture, political participation, the functioning of government, civil liberties, and electoral process and pluralism. Countries are ranked into four categories including authoritarian regimes, hybrid regimes, flawed democracies, and full democracies.

The following chart shows the scores and associated category.

Democracy Index 2010 and 2011

Full democracies

8 - .10

Flawed democracies

6 - 7.9

Hybrid regimes

4 - 5.9

Authoritarian regimes

< 4

Table 1

Threshold point depends on total scores which are rounded to 1 decimal place.

Full Democracy

In these countries, civil liberties and political freedoms are respected, not only that, these countries have cultures, which are very conductive for the success of democracy. The government functioning is considered satisfactory and media is given much freedom. There is a system of check and balance in place. Judicial decisions are respected and judiciary is independent. The problems in democratic state are limited (Economist Intelligence Unit 2011, pp.1).

Flawed Democracy

These countries are characterized by fair and free elections, and civil liberties are provided, although there are little infringement for certain institutions. There are various weaknesses in democratic system including, but not limited to, low levels of political participation, an underdeveloped political culture, and problems in governance (Economist Intelligence Unit 2012, pp.1).

Hybrid Regime

Such democracies are characterized by significant irregularities, which impede fair and free election. Pressure from government on opposition candidates and parties is common. There are various weaknesses in flawed democracies including in political participation, functioning of government, and political culture. Rule of law is weak and there is high corruption. There is weakness in civil society. Journalism is characterized by pressure and harassment and judiciary has limited independence (Tilly 2007, pp.12).

Authoritarian Regime

Authoritarian regime is characterized absence of political pluralism or state is heavily circumscribed. Most of the states in this category are outright dictatorship. There are few so called democratic institutions; however, their role is insignificant. Elections are not free and fair, and mostly there are no elections. Media is controlled by influential groups and/or it is state owned. These countries have repression of criticism of the pervasive censorship and the government. Independent judiciary is not established (Economist Intelligence Unit 2012, pp.1).

Measuring Democracy

There is lack of consensus on method of measuring democracy. The concept of democracy is very much contested and the debate is still continued. The US foreign policy prioritizes promotion of democracy; however, there is no definition and consensus on the concept of democracy in policy papers. According to an observer, “the world's only superpower is rhetorically and militarily promoting a political system that remains undefined—and it is staking its credibility and treasure on that pursuit” (Horowitz, 2006, p ...
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