E-Commerce Law In Australia

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E-Commerce Law in Australia

[Name of the institute]E-Commerce Law in Australia


The pace with which today's world is moving is rapid and fast. These changes are taking place in today's era because of the technological updates and advancements. Today is the era of technology in which internet is considered as a revolutionary and miraculous advent. The arrival of internet drastically changed the way in which businesses used to be operated and in which people used to live their lives. As a result of this astonishing invention the world is considered as a global village and whole world seems to be on your fingertips.

` On one hand, where, this technology of internet has modified ways of life and facilitated businesses to conduct their operation on the other hand there are also problematic issues that have been aroused as a result of this technology. These problematic issues include privacy issues, data theft, fair electronic transaction, spam and scores of other issues. Countries all over the world to deal with these issues have devised laws, rules and regulations. When these laws remain in place these laws and regulations provide a framework and ray of direction in which people are allowed to use this technology and indulge in e-commerce. In Australia too there are laws related to this matter. The aim and objective of this paper is to undertake discussion about the laws that are prevalent in Australia related to various issues of e-commerce. The following part discusses whether the laws that are prevalent in Australia are sufficient or there is a gap exists.

Relevant Issues

As discussed above that aim of this paper is to talk about availability of legislations and laws related to the e-commerce and its related issues so first of all its is indispensible to identify what is the core issue that needs to be resolved. In the following part of the paper, two of the main issues are mentioned and discussed that are closely associated with the prevalence of laws in Australia about internet and e-commerce.

Expanding Nature of E-Commerce

One of the main issues that has brought the issue of insufficient availability of laws related to e-commerce and internet privacy is that the usage of internet and reliance of people on e-commerce is increasing like never before. In the 21st century, one of the key aspects that has been noted related to the economy of Australia is the emergence of the e-commerce. This usage is proved to be increased and frequently used by both the business sector as well as by the households. Household usage of internet is increasing which in turn is increasing the online purchase. Because of the dearth of the availability of the publicly data detailed analysis cannot be conducted and done to reveal the trend related to the usage of e-commerce by businesses and households. But, on the basis of the results of the research that is conducted by relying on surveys it can be said that the trend of the online purchasing by households both nationally and ...
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