E-commerce and the Internet: Relationship marketing opportunities for better online consumer relationship
Background of the Study3
Rationale of the Study4
Aims and Objectives5
Research Questions5
Scope and Significance of the Research6
E-Commerce and Internet7
Challenges of E-commerce10
Evaluation of E-Commerce Investment10
Benefits of E-commerce11
E-commerce Solutions: Relationship marketing opportunities for better online consumer relationship12
E-commerce implementation strategy13
Overview of Research Approach16
Overview of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Approaches16
Rationale for Employing a Qualitative Study17
Rationale for Employing a Quantitative Research18
Data Organization18
Analysis of Primary Data18
Research Tool Utilized19
Justification of research tools19
Data Analysis20
Qualitative Analysis20
Quantitative Analysis20
Ethical Concerns22
This chapter of the dissertation comprises of research background, and the rationale of this research, methodology, aim and objectives, significance of the research, research questions and the layout of the research study.
Background of the Study
E-commerce is the activity or process of business through the Internet which includes not the only transaction of goods or information but also includes the collaboration of inter-electronic, e-integration and e-service. It includes different electronic-activities of business such as: trade with another organisation, the internal process of a company that use to support buying and selling processes, planning and other activities. Indeed, it is the area of business and technology that remains comparatively new although business emerges and constantly changes its area. Using E-commerce, thousand of transactions can be made in a single click within a second between buyer and seller. Rayport and Jaworski (2003) argue about E-commerce as a technological-mediator between two sides (for example: customers and organisations) and this commerce are also based on inter-organisational performance where such exchanges are facilitated through electronically.
On the other side, Internet-marketing is the part of E-commerce and often used together in the business. It is the process between two parties as for example: buyer and seller, to make electronic transaction on the Internet. In Internet-marketing, activities are taking place as Communicating, Content providing and Network function offering. Finally, products or services are sold through these activities. Definitely, 'Internet technology' means a technology of the Internet, a mobile-phone network with wireless transmission, WWW (World Wide Web) and other online related technologies are included through which transaction becomes as much as possible. One evident tells that consumers are enabled to buy products/services from home (as for example: electronics, clothes, furniture, appliances etc) that benefited them to avoid drive, queue, parking, and traffic when they are shopping. They are facilitated to order such products through any of the following mediums:
•TV-shopping programs
•Direct mail
•E-mail marketing
•Social-networks marketing
E-commerce and Internet-marketing affect the. They can choose their medium of sales either sells/distributes through middleman or direct to customers, or can do business using E-commerce and Internet-marketing.
Rationale of the Study
This research is helpful for the readers to understand the impact of E-commerce and Internet marketing for better online consumer relationship. It also helps to understand the factors that influence buying behaviour of the consumers. This research study will be of help to the other researchers for developing a critical review. Researcher expects that this piece of work will also be beneficial to further researchers ...