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Transport is a Classic Case Of The Networking Industry

Transport is a Classic Case of the Networking Industry


Transport is a classic case of the networking industry. It is traditional with the movement of goods and people between different locations, and most recently in "Communication Age" (Andersson et al., 1990) were related to the movement of information between different points. It is also very visible activity requires a substantial amount of reference (roads, railways, etc.) and nodes (stations, airports, etc.) infrastructure. Since it seems to want to move the natural inclination of people and calls for the efficient production and distribution, a combination of different inputs, transport is a constant topic of public debate. The fact that a significant part of the necessary infrastructure used to provide the transportation is expensive and often unsightly often added to the intensity of the discourse.

Transport infrastructure network of the 21 Century world's largest industrial and lean in others. Western Europe 1 has about 50,000 miles of highway (highway), 156.000 kilometers of railway lines and more than 300 airports and nearly 11,000 ports. Network in North America even more, although in many parts of the less dense, as most of the region is sparsely populated. Add to systems that transport liquid, spacecraft, or information to expand these networks significantly. In contrast to Africa as a whole and in parts of South America and Asia have very limited networks, which are often of poor quality (Jansson, 2000, p. 731).

It's not just the sum of the transport infrastructure, which is sanctioned, it is the diversity, the manner in which it is used, and society's attitude towards him. In retrospect, the shipper, not only at the head of public policy because of its current social and economic tasks, which are now often the main concern of the public. had more than 4,000 years, far beyond the Alps in Europe, which was published without prior planning seems to have. Novel, time, however, military logistics is largely determined by what transport infrastructure was provided and maintained, and this element of the policy is of course remained. The Romans, for example, more than 320,000 of paved road in Central Europe (the first international transport system) and can in March his troops from Rome to northern Spain in 27 days. This focus on military and, more recently, the justification for the U.S. interstate highway network, for example, was almost entirely logistical, President Eisenhower wanted the U.S. military supply can move quickly across the country.

Transport is also an integral part of policy to the political integration aimed (sometimes after the conquest), built the Canadian railway system largely based on this premise, and the initiative of the trans-European networks in the European Union (EU), the motives of the political cohesion of its foundation. In fact, the term "King's Highway" can be found from the Middle Ages in various languages across Europe, represents a return to this idea of the role of roads as a management tool. Since 11-13 century road network in Europe, especially in ...
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