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Carphone Warehouse and E-Commerce

Carphone Warehouse and E-Commerce

Carphone Warehouse and E-Commerce

Established in the UK, the company Carphone Warehouse sells mobile phones since 1989. It now has thousands of stores in nine European countries, as well as e-commerce site. Given the different distribution channels it uses to satisfy its customers, the company has consistently chosen to partner with a marketing strategy for mobile. "Carphone Warehouse has its natural place in these new spaces for mobile. For us, they represent the ideal way to generate profitable sales, but also to implement what we call multi-channel support," said Gareth Jones, head of online marketing.

Initially, the company has created a website optimized for mobile. "Previously, when looking" Carphone "on your mobile, you access the site. Com. This site generated commands, but its success depended mainly on the tenacity displayed by the mobile users to scroll through pages and reach the stage of validation of their order, "says Gareth Jones. The mobile site uses the characteristics of mobile functionality through Call Direct. This makes it possible for mobile users to contact the call center to make a purchase (Nissanoff, 2006, 246).

The company then worked closely with the agency Efficient Frontier to develop a mobile campaign to clean. This allowed him to analyze his results and frequently, on the basis of these, to improve the relevance of keyword lists. It also included a number clickable in its text ads. "The Direct Call feature is an important part of our marketing activity fee. Indeed, it actually generates phone calls that lead to sales," said Gareth Jones.

The company then began to explore new AdWords ad formats, specifically designed for mobile phones. Carphone Warehouse has also used the Sitelinks on mobile ads. This feature allows you to broadcast an AdWords text ad on a smartphone to include two links to more detailed content on the site. The company has therefore included a link to the search page stores. "This is a real dynamic multi-channel strategy. Imagine you are in the street, you want to buy a phone and want to know where the store is situated closest Carphone Warehouse. Well, you just to use the search feature for mobile to find out, said Gareth Jones. The CTR of ads for mobile with links annexes was 312% higher than ads that did not contain (Miller, 2002, 741).

E-Commerce as a Centralizing Force for Carphone Warehouse

Although the death of distance has been overstated, e-commerce does help ameliorate the friction of distance—sometimes by directly replacing traditional sales channels but more importantly by operating in the background to make them proceed more efficiently. Many individuals engage in e-commerce, of course—either shopping directly through online retail stores or buying and selling items through intermediaries such as eBay or Amazon. These exchanges may be the most visible form of e-commerce, and they have experienced positive growth in many countries around the world, but they actually make up a rather minor portion of it. For example, retail transactions, also known as business-to-consumer (B2C) sales, account ...
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