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Green World

Green world flourishes the business to grow. A Green Economy is one that results in increased human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities economic vehicle for sustainable development.

Through the process of photosynthesis, trees and other vegetation supply us with this vital gas. One mature tree produces enough oxygen for 10 people to inhale in a year. The burning and cutting of an estimated 34 million acres of trees each year is responsible for 20-25% of global carbon emissions (Amory, 2007).

Wind Energy

Wind energy is another one of the alternative green energy solutions which is currently being utilized by people who want to cut down on their energy cost and reliance on fossil fuels. There is a rapid expanding market for wind energy. Solar Energy

Every day the sun shines and provides enough energy for the entire globe for 27 years. Described as the light obtained from the universal source sun, this is used to power those photovoltaic cells and other devices that have the ability to convert sun's energy to electricity.


Technological breakthroughs by LED Lighting give us beautiful light that is more efficient and longer lasting than both Incandescent Lamps and Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL), and contain no toxic materials, like mercury. LED lighting can work up to 50,000 hours and significantly reduce light pollution. Furthermore, it consumes up to 80% less energy that traditional lighting than Incandescent light bulbs. 

The integrity of the environment is affected by two ways: the action of man and of nature that are not independent but interdependent factors, human actions affect nature and this in turn affects man. "Climate changes alter the conditions of life of all beings that inhabit the planet. According to a report of the Red Cross in Geneva, the death toll from natural disasters in 2004 was the largest in 30 years, amounted to some 250,000 victims mostly caused by the tsunami in Southeast Asia, and as many caused by hurricanes.

The economic impact of droughts or floods threaten the security food, since it results in the decrease or disappearance of food basic, with no arable land due to erosion of soils, desertification, desertification, etc. In this context it has developed the Environmental Law, which may be defined as "that regulates the creation, modification, conversion and termination of legal relations which condition the enjoyment, preservation and improvement of environment. Aspiration of Environmental Law is to regulate the relationship between man and nature, encoding, based on common elements that different laws in force today have been regulated separately, sometimes even in opposition (law ??of soil, deposits minerals in forests, etc).

These two principles are the basic pillars upon which rests the building of institutions founded the Environmental Law, achieved through the protection of the environment and "sustainable development" for the other, which is to preserve ecological and cultural factors making rational use of natural resources conservation and enjoyment, while progressive factors created by human activity to be able to bequeath to future generations as a heritage of ...
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