Ebo & Obo

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Comparison between Effects Based Operations and Objectives Based Operations

Comparison between Effects Based Operations and Objectives Based Operations


The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant facts and figures relating to the two approaches i.e. Effect based operation (EBO) and Objective based operation (OBO). In this paper, we will analyze and compare the approaches presented in the published journals i.e. Myers, G. (2008), "Don't Kill EBO, JF Com commander is wrong to scrap effects-based operations." Armed Forces Journal, Nov (including related reading); Van Riper, P. (2009), "EBO, There was no baby in the bathwater." Joint Forces Quarterly, 52: 1; and Walker, D. (2011), "Refining the MDMP for Operational Adaptability." In the next, we will provide gist from all the three journals cited above.

Discussion & Analysis

Effects Based Operations

Myers (2008) suggests that effects based operations, also referred as “EBO” provide a consistent mechanism to treat both art and science of war. It is also a modern concept that adopts the limited nature of the overarching objectives in most of today's conflicts, including the structures of the coalition. Critically, enables or enhances the vertical relationship between the political strategic vision and daily military operations to ensure that military strategy, if successfully completed, will achieve or contribute to the political goals set in advance. Historically, this has not always been the case (Myers, 2008).

The main disadvantage of EBO today lies not in the concept but the slowness with which they have adopted and implemented the various military services. The lack of terminology and procedures commonly accepted doctrine has led to 10 years of "improvisation" to the EBO. The results are mixed, since the lack of guidance makes all efforts are generally considered unique and driven by personality.

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