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Company Overview

EBay is a particularly famous company in USA which was established in September 1995 by the Iranian computer programmer Pierre Omidyar. Initially, he made his own personal website and gave it the name of Auction Web. All these developments took place when the Internet and the concept of World Wide Web were relatively new. It was then after 1996 the number of Internet users increased rapidly from 50,000 to 1 million people. At that time, people started taking an interest in the Internet and participated in Internet shopping. Although, during those days, there was no reliable payment system which would keep both the buyer and seller secure. The concept of Encrypted websites was not there at that time, but it got developed after few years (Mullen, 2009).

Marketing a business on eBay has become quite natural for people and businesses. Like for instance, if any individual wants to advertise a computer item on eBay and then want to sell it, he would need to follow few techniques to achieve this purpose. Firstly, he would need to advertise the product by describing the specifications of the computer item and will then need to go through the process of online auction. During an online auction, he would first set the base price of his computer item and then whoever will be interested will bid price for the item. In the end, the consumer that would bid the suitable price for the item will be able to purchase it. Sometimes, the buyer keeps a fixed price for the product especially those companies that do not need to go through the online auction process. These transactions are exceptionally quick because of less time involved in buying and selling.

Selling wine on eBay

We can see on the website of the eBay that eBay sells wine online, ...
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