Eating Disorders

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Eating Disorders


In this research we will discuss eating disorder, its types and causes and treatment. The eating disorders are multifaceted diseases categorized by an intense concern for food, weight and body image, and abnormal eating behaviors. They regularly coexist with other possiblysevere problems, like depression, hopelessness, anxiety, nervousness, abuse of alcohol or drugs. Moreover we will discuss the risk factors and how adolescents develop problems because of eating disorders.

Table of Contents




Types of Eating Disorders2

Causes of eating disorders4

Adolescence problems in eating disorders5

Risk Factors for Adolescents having eating disorders5

Treatment for Eating Disorders6



Eating Disorders


The term eating disorders refers to a variety of disorders. The common feature of all eating disorders is abnormal eating behaviors. Eating disorders are serious health problem and may endanger life. The main eating disorders are Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, Orthorexia, Vigorexia, compulsive eating. They tend to appear during adolescence because at this stage the concern for physical appearance increases. The eating disorders are chronic and progressive, are manifested through eating behavior, however, encompasses a very complex range of psychological and emotional factors including prevailing alteration or distortion of body image, there is a great fear of gaining weight and self-esteem is contingent on the perception of a good body image. Eating disorders are frequently increasing and disturbing the society. Eating disorders are accompanied by feelings of guilt, sadness, inadequacy, rejection, social, labor difficulties, and difficulties in relationships with both friends and family, as with potential partners, including self-harm or suicidal thoughts.


The eating disorders are increasing in recent years at an alarming rate, especially among youngsters. The thinness has become the ideal of beauty, supreme aspiration to be attractive or appealing. Concern about physical appearance can become an obsession, a mania that governs personal and social life. The physical consciousness makes one go for exercise, diet, massage, slimming creams, specialist consultations etc. This social turmoil is encouraging the emergence of eating disorders .These diseases involves a long treatment, which often becomes chronic diseases and may even lead to death. Eating disorders are mostly found in women. This gender difference is due to a different socialization of women and men, especially mind in relation to body image. Women learn from childhood that the most important is to be liked, be beautiful and attractive. Many consider the "beauty" as the attribute most precious and base their self-esteem in aesthetic aspects of the body, instead of taking into account their intelligence, skills or psychological fitness. Caring for the body has been confused with losing kilos. The thin body is the model to be imitated and weight gain is considered a disaster harmful to health and something like a failure.

Types of Eating Disorders

Obesity, Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Orthorexia, Vigorexia are all types of eating disorders.


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