Eat Or Not Eat

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Eat or Not Eat

Eat or Not Eat


My name is Jackson Jerry, and I am a eating disorder counselor. Today I am here to tell you all about the topic which is very common nowadays and it is eating disorder. Youth is the most exciting yet critical stage in an individual's life. It leads to many changes in the life style and thinking of the people. While Youth is memorable, adventurous, and thrilling it can lead to certain permanent problems with respect to the health of the youngsters. This particular life stage reveals many realities to the individual as he/she discovers who they are and try to live independently. Entering into the age of puberty can itself be overwhelming and sometimes, confusing.

Eating Disorders are one of the most common and long lasting troubles that are associated with the youth. Developing eating disorders in youth is one of the initial reactions of a youngster to the dilemma he faces when entering this phase (Kushner, 2007).


Physiological factors for hunger and satiety are when normally, people will eat when they're not hungry, only bored, sad, angry, upset, or lonely. When eating for these reasons, they usually eat foods high in fat, sugar, or both. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a meal, just be sure to get sufficient healthy food and limit your quantities of junk food. This is often very important part of this particular article. People who eat for reasons other than hunger will sometimes feel guilty after they indulge. This will often lead to more overeating and more guilt. These people often become obsessed with food “cookie monster syndrome”. There are support groups and counseling for people who over-eat for emotional reasons.

The flip side of food obsession is anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Anorexia nervosa is a serious condition in which the person stops or severely curtails their food intake to induce weight loss. Approximately 10 percent of people who are anorexic die of their disease. People with this condition see themselves as being fat, even when extremely emaciated. This is the physiological factors that do contribute to hunger and satiety.

Many Myths about Hunger and Satiety

There are many myths about hunger and satiety we will discuss one of them which are; to feed the hungry, just to increase U.S. aid. In fact, most aid programs of the United States go against the needs of the hungry. Foreign aid reinforces the status quo. This is a report elitist government, and U.S. aid is not only a failure in that it does not reach its goal, but it increases the obstacles on the road for the poor. This kind of aid is aimed to impose free trade and market economy, boost exports at the expense of food production, and provide the necessary weapons to dictators to remain in power. Even when it comes to emergency aid, a humanitarian operation (which represents at most 5% of total aid) it is in fact question, again, commercialism and big profits for ...
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