Early Intervention

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Need of intervention in early years for children with special education needs

Need of intervention in early years for children with special education needs


Early intervention is the early impact of medical, rehabilitation, psycho on child development, in which the risk has been identified disability. The purpose of this interaction is as early as possible and to remove or correct the anomalies observed in the development. Using the whole family is covered by the child. Early childhood is the heart of the United Kingdom family policy. This sector accounts for 1% of GDP, aid early childhood amounting to 10.2 billion Euros in 2006 (Palaiologou, 2009). Funding for early childhood is the annual law funding Social Security, Family branch. Support of the State Early Childhood aims to enable the reconciliation of professional and family life, and based on the principle of free choice for families. This choice is on the one hand, to enable families to maintain, suspend or reduce the occupation of parents and, secondly, to provide childcare for diverse family can choose the one that meets the best suits their needs (Bowe, 2000).

This paper presents a research question regarding Parent's and Practitioners views of multi- agency workers, and the need of early intervention in early years for children with special education needs. The term early childhood intervention will be used in this document instead of early intervention, particularly to avoid any misunderstanding or confusion with the concept of Early intervention construed as requiring any action to be taken to support any child and their family, as early as possible during their education, and also for emphasize that the action is focused on the needs child special education from zero to three years at most six years of age.

Different evolutionary ideas and theories regarding the contribution of different authors with different perspectives will be discussed. This will help to develop theoretical concepts and consequently practices. The contributions of multi agency workers were to built a new concept, in which the sciences health, psychology, educational sciences and sciences social are directly involved which corresponds to a position different from the past when impacts this science had relatively different and not always interrelated. They further highlighted progress in changing an intervention mainly focused on the child to an approach increasingly wide, where the focus is not only geared to the child but also for family and community (Bradshaw, 2011).

Background of the study

The evolution of knowledge in the field of development brain enhanced the effect of early experience on increasing and establishing neuronal connections. Recent research on brain development seems to prove that the rich and positive experiences during the early years of childhood can have positive effects on the development of brain, helping children in language acquisition, the develop skills in problem solving, the establish healthy relationships with peers and adults and acquire different skills of great importance to lifetime. From birth, or even from design, to the first years of life, how the child develops cannot be compared with another any ...
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