Early Childhood Studies

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Early Childhood Studies- Portfolio

Early Childhood Studies- Portfolio

Portfolio Task 1-Importance of Listening to Children


Learning and development of children is a complex and intricate matter which requires considerable skills and concentration. An important aspect in the learning and development of children is the process of listening. It is asserted that listening to children is very important for a number of reasons. Owing to the benefits it entails, listening to children is considered as n imperative thing on the part of parents, practitioners and professionals. This task highlights and discusses the importance of listening to children.


Communication is one of those fundamental things which are imperative for the effective wellbeing and development of children (Zimmerman et.al, 2009, p.343). It is a known fact that children are not able to express their each and every feeling in the form of words. Moreover, most of the children also hesitate expressing and speaking by themselves unless provoked to do so. Thus listening to the children entail paying precise and considerable concentration to their behaviour and actions. Listening to the children is a two way interaction which involves giving respect and value to the opinions and feelings of each other (NCB, 2010, p.1).

It is highly imperative to listen to the children. Researchers have proved that the children who are listened to are comparatively more self-possessed, confident and adjusted than the children who are not listened (Lansdown, 2011, pp.5-9). Inadequate or absence of listening to children results in an ignorance of the needs and wants of the children which eventually leads the children to suffer from extremely low self esteem. Listening to children is important for both the educators and the parents since this facilitates the prevention of child abuse and other childhood problems (NCB, 2009, pp.4-5).

Listening to the children is significant at all ages. It benefits the children greatly in different aspects of the life (NCB, 2010, p.1). When the children are listened to, it helps in the building and developing of affirmative and constructive relationships. A relation of respect and trust is build when the children perceive that they are listened to and that they are valued. This sense of worth and value empowers the child and helps him or her to develop high self esteem (Lansdown, 2011, pp.5-9).

The process of listening to children helps and guides the parents, carers and early childhood educators and professionals to discern what is central to the children and what are their feelings and thoughts about different things and day to day occurrences (NCB, 2009, pp.4-5). The practice of listening to children provides deep and effective insights about the interests, opinions and perspectives of the children. These insights can facilitate the parents and early childhood professionals to identify appropriate ways for the learning and development of the children (Lansdown, 2011, pp.5-9). For instance, the practitioners and early childhood educators and professionals can utilize the insights gained from listening to children to develop appropriate planning and strategies for the learning and development of the specific ...
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