Early Childhood Education

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Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education

Tasks Discussion and Analysis

I believe that the Stress Management encompasses a number of techniques utilized to control an individual's level of stress so that they can function normally in their daily lives. Managing stress is typically focused on taking charge of one's own life. Whether it is your emotions, your thoughts, you're routine, your study schedule, or even your external environment. The ultimate goal is how you deal with these external problems and maintain a balance in your life, with time for studies, work, relaxation, relationships and most importantly your own self. I adopted the numerous techniques to cope up with the problem of stress such as:

Organizing my time: Getting a calendar and using it to keep a track of events, classes, and deadlines helped me in reducing a lot of burden. Moreover, this also allows me to carefully plan things out and keep a healthy balance between both studies and my social life (Mena, 2009).

Maintaining healthy habits: Both eating healthy food and getting sufficient rest is very crucial for managing stress. Apart from getting a regular sleep of 6 to 8 hours along with healthy food and regular exercise helps in keeping yourself calm and free from any sort of anxiety (Paula, 2001).

Setting realistic goals: I believe that many times when struggling with studies, we tend to generate unnecessary stress by either taking on too many responsibilities which we cannot handle or by setting unrealistic expectations for ourselves. Thus it's feasible to take an inventory of ourselves from time to time and setting both realistic and achievable goals so that we don't end up being too hard on ourselves.

Developing good coping mechanism: Many a times, during our college lives, it is likely that we are faced with stress which is somewhat unavoidable. Thus we need to figure out some sort of coping mechanism that works best for us to get us through that tough patch. This can either be athletic exercises for some, meditation or simple breathing exercises. The key is to find out what works best for me and then incorporate it within my routine.

Counseling: In case if the level of stress goes beyond our own control, it is feasible to seek some help. This can ideally be through the free counseling services being offered at various colleges, universities, and health centers thus helping us to deal with the day to day challenges (Paula, 2001).

I believe that it is significant to overcome the causes of stress under the Early Childhood Education because it is important that teachers and parents have become allies in education and learning process. The best way is to notice the change in the preschooler occurs by overcoming the consequences of stress factors. Parents must know what changes they must be noting in their child, so breaking the boundaries and asking for the concern directly with the child and help reduce child's stress level (Beck, 2009). Creating a friendly atmosphere in the home and counseling of the child can help ...
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