Early American History

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Early American History

Early American History

Part I

The U.S. political system is one of the most advanced. In our country it is far from perfect. The political system of the United States cannot be imagined without the party system, consisting initially of two parties. The origin of the two-party system refers to the period of formation of the American state itself, and the interaction between the two parties throughout the history of the United States, maintaining its relevance to this day (Brands & Breen,110-800). Party in the U.S. - an indispensable attribute of political life, a sort of an established mechanism for the functioning of government as a whole. Fundamentals and principles of party cooperation were laid during the formation of two-party system. The viability of this mechanism is tested in two centuries, so the researcher is of interest to the question about the causes and conditions of formation of two-party system in the United States (Brands, Breen, Williams & Gross, 2011). The urgency of this problem is also due to restructuring of the party system at the present stage in many countries.

The importance for the emergence of two-party system had significant differences in American summit, the first between the two main groups of the bourgeoisie - trade and financial circles of the North-East and Southern planters, who were formed back in 1770-80s., Which was the third prerequisite for the development two-party system in the United States (Brands, Breen, Williams & Gross, 2011). The central place of clarifying the relationship between them was the Continental Congress. It is in its walls for over 15 years, from 1774 to 1789, the representatives of 13 states were frantic debate over the foundations of national socio-economic policy of the United States, during which developed the ideological platform of the federalist and republican parties, later called "Hamiltonian" and "Jeffersonian" paths of development (Brands, Breen, Williams & Gross, 2011).

Thus, the development of party system in the United States began during the colonial period - the 60s XVIII century. For groups of this period was characterized by a lack of ideological vision and aspiration to consolidate its position in the county. The situation changes during the revolution. The fractions were guided by people who, due to circumstances acquires the features of self-awareness and plays an important role in the struggle for independence. In the process of state formation in the United States is one of the most important ...
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