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E-Marketing & Tesco Plc


Executive Summary2


Question 14

Interactive Advertising Campaigns at TESCO4

Integration of Communication Tools after TESCO website launch5

Four ARES of Marketing5

Are we doing the right things?5

Are we doing them the right way?6

Are we getting them done well?6

Are we getting the benefits?6

Question 27

Diffusion-Adoption Process at Tescobank.com7

Tesco Bank's Utilisation of Diffusion-Adoption Process8

Two Adopters' Behaviors for tescobank.com9

Demographic Characteristics9

Previous Experiences9

Question 310

E-Marketing Vs Traditional Communications at TESCO10

Question 411

E-Marketing Communication Tools For TESCO11


Direct email or mail campaigns12

Newsletters & Catalogs12

Seminars, Trade Shows & Webinars12

Social Media13


Executive Summary

In this assignment, we would discuss the e-marketing strategies adopted by Tesco Plc. Being the biggest retailer in United Kingdom, Tesco is consistently faced with challenges in the market. Adoption of relevant e-marketing strategies and ensuring a decent mechanism for their functioning is vital to its success. Each assignment question would be answered; and relevant literature would be discussed on the theories with respect to the current practices at Tesco Plc. Recommendations would be made in pursuance of Tesco's marketing strategy to further expand its business and to counter competition at all tiers of the market.

E-Marketing & Tesco Plc

In this assignment, we intend to study the e-marketing strategies and functions adopted by Tesco Plc for the enhancement of their business. Tesco is a renowned English grocery retail franchise and has numerous stores around the world. With advancements in the field of business and marketing, e-marketing has become a vital component of modern business. In an attempt to answer our questions on e-marketing theories, diffusion-adoption process, orthodox marketing and communication tools; Tesco's current practices and policies would be analysed to better understand the elements involved in e-marketing.


Business has evolved over the years. Over the past century, business practices of companies have drastically changed. Most businesses now follow the consumerism strategy. It is based on a simple principle, give the customers what they want, a market oriented approach defines consumerism. TESCO works in a highly competitive environment, and in this environment, it is a necessity to follow market-oriented strategy because if they will not than the competition definitely will. Market oriented approach is consisted of constant research and development. The reason for this is to find out what the consumers are looking for and what do they need. Even the consumers do not understand their own needs so it is very costly effort to figure out what customer needs and wants are. The merchandise and service expansion procedures of the business have been considerably redesign, to ease enhanced administration of manufactured goods lifecycles and more competent liberation of wide choices of goods to clientele. Merchandise motion has fixed on enhancing core ranges and initiate finest goods. Tesco's pioneering ways of improvising the experiences of shopping has created a reputation as a customer's company. These efforts are not possible to achieve is product based orientation (Maclagan, 1983, P.411-423).

Question 1

Interactive Advertising Campaigns at TESCO

Interactive advertising is a new phenomenon and is vital to the success of organizations in contemporary business. Interactive advertising is multi-faceted and involves features of advertising and ...
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