E Commerce

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E Commerce





Customer Satisfaction2

Supply Chain4

Overall Efficiency of The Business6




In this assignment the fundamental concepts of the E commerce has been highlighted. The E commerce concepts are applied on the TESCO. This assignment has focused on three main areas of the TESCO. Firstly the customer satisfaction is defined in this assignment with the reference of the E commerce. Moreover, the overall efficiency of the business of the TESCO is also highlighted in context of the E commerce. It is also highlighted in this assignment that how E commerce can be used in the supply chain of the retail store like TESCO.

E Commerce


This paper discusses the fundamental concepts of E Commerce (EC). Moreover, this paper demonstrates the concepts of the EC through the application of the EC concepts in a retail business in United Kingdom. The retail store that has been selected for the assignment is the TESCO retail store. The concepts of the EC are applied on the selected organization to improve or enhance the overall performance of the business. In this assignment three areas of the business are highlighted. Initially the customer satisfaction is addressed by applying the concept of the EC. Apart from that the some recommendations are also purposed to enhance the customer satisfaction of the retail store. Later in this assignment the overall efficiency of the business is highlighted that how the concepts of the EC can affect the overall efficiency of the business. In the retail store business, supply chain plays a vital role. So it is also highlighted that how the EC concepts can affect the supply chain of the company.


Customer Satisfaction

Satisfaction is perceived when you purchase a product or service, through which it will provide to better meet the needs. For every business and for the retail business as well the customer satisfaction is one of the most important factors for the success of the business (Wamba, 2012, 58-81). The assignment examined the studies on satisfaction, loyalty and consumer behaviour seeking understanding of the influences that it may suffer due to the environment they live in, as well as an understanding of the constructs of the model: perceived value, perceived quality, expectations, satisfaction, loyalty and complaint. In general, customers are satisfied are more loyal to motivate for behaviour. There are very strong positive relations, between the customer satisfaction and these factors: Perceived quality and value, quality and satisfaction; Perceived value and satisfaction, overall satisfaction and loyalty. If the customers of the retail stores are satisfied then it means that the retail store will be able to retain the existing customers. The reason behind the retention of the customers is the customer satisfaction. For instance, if the customers of the TESCO are satisfied then they are likely to repurchase the products from the TESCO stores. The customer's in today's world wants everything instant. The concept of the E commerce has fulfilled this desire of the customers. In retail business E commerce has became one of the leading tool to get competitive edge over the ...
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