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Dyslexia is a learning disability that hinders the capability of the individual to comprehend and also causes the person difficulties in reading. It is a reading difficulty that causes problems and issues for the students. It is important that this disability is dealt appropriately and helps the people to identify the causes of it. Students facing this disability should be helped and assisted in gaining education. It is important that proper action and measures are taken so that the students are able to get the right education and help them in understanding as to what is being taught. There are schools that deal with students suffering from dyslexia. It is important for the people to understand the importance of curing this disability and it will help the students in getting the right education. This paper will discuss the issues related to dyslexia and how it impacts and influences in schools.


Dyslexia has held the center stage for a long time period and recent years have seen the development of knowledge, thoughts and analysis of dyspraxia. Dyslexia is defined as a specific learning disorder and it is particularly important in understanding of the disorder in the practical implications on the monitoring of children (Weedon & Riddell, n.d.). Children with dyslexia generally have average to above average intelligence, but their performance does not meet the intelligence. The reason is that a child needs assistance in finding ways to use his strengths to overcome what dyslexia does to prevent him from meeting his intellectually appropriate level of performance in the classroom.

No matter how smart the child surely is; dyslexia can prevent him from succeeding in learning how to write, read and spell, so it is important to educate people and staff at the school to provide the best services according to the needs of the child. Despite normal exposure to classroom learning, achievements will never be truly automated and offset with peers will get worse. In dyslexia, handwriting is performed continuously in the situations of cognitive saturation, making this double duty difficult for the students to focus on aspects of conceptual learning.

The exact cause is not known at present. It can be said that there is a lack of effort or motivation. According to the latest research there seems to be a kind neurobiological process with a genetic basis. Very often there are other cases in the family of reading difficulties which impact the child (Shaywitz & Shaywitz, 2006, pp. 11). Dyslexia is based on a phonological deficit. It is a difficulty correctly associated with each letter with its corresponding sound. It is a major challenge that persists throughout life.

Experience in School Settings

Dyslexia is manifested in a more concrete form in the school, in the core subjects of reading and writing. Depending on the age of the child, dyslexia has certain characteristics that can be grouped into three levels of evolution. So although the dyslexic child overcomes the difficulties of a level, you encounter the following themselves. Thus, the re-education will decrease their level and ...
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