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The social-emotional effects of dyslexia on children and young adults


The associations of dyslexia with the related problems show some evidences for their existence though their natural history with these associations remain incomplete in research studies. The word dyslexia is used for those children and adults who cannot spell and this word is used as a label for them and said to be dyslexic. The dyslexic person emits his or her anger on their parents; especially mothers are expected to feel the anger of dyslexic. Depression is considered as one of the characteristics of dyslexia despite the fact that most of the children and young adult of dyslexia are not depressed, but children suffering from dyslexia are at high risk of intense feelings related to pain and sorrow. The nature of learning knowledge and motivation is considered to be necessary for all the students but they are more significant for the dyslexia students. Another important factor for accomplishing degree of motivation and success is known to be self-belief of the learner, but education system is only based on the selection and grading system and this is the reason that element of self-belief in the learners is diminishing. Large sample studies conducted for the young adults who have dyslexia and learning in different specialist schools of UK and learning centers found out that there is a significant progress and increase in the awareness of these dyslexic children and young adults. It has been found out in this research that social-emotional affects of dyslexia in the children is extremely high and there are not able to cope-up with their peers during school and in other social events.

Table of Contents


Understanding Dyslexia1

Definitions of Dyslexia1

Characteristics of Dyslexia3





Self-esteem and dyslexia5

Motivation and Dyslexia7

Support Diversity in Styles of Learning7

Supporting Creativity8

Succeeding with Small Achievable Steps9

Giving Feedback of Personal Progress9

Believing in Personal Abilities9

Recognizing Personal Style10

Effective Group Working10

Supporting Self-Assessment11

Building Responsibility of Students11

Concentrating on Learning and Teaching11

Consequences of dyslexia on children and young adults12

Effect of Dyslexia on Learning of Children and Young Adults12




Poor Reading and Behavioral Problems16

Case study, children and adults with dyslexia17

Future Plan, Framework and Intervention Programs18



The Social-emotional Effects of Dyslexia on Children and Young Adults


The individuals who suffer from dyslexia show signs of much more difficulties emotionally and in behaviors as compared to the individuals who have less trouble in reading. These kinds of disturbing behavioral disorders and their association with dyslexia are easily recognized by different samples that are acknowledged clinically and epidemiologically. The troubles and difficulties that individuals face through dyslexia and its associated emotional problems such as sadness and discomfort have not receive much attention in the researches (Lallier et.al, 2010, p. 239). The associations of dyslexia with the related problems show some evidences for their existence though their natural history with these associations remain incomplete in research studies. The famous researchers Willcutt and Pennington (2000) implies in their researches that intellectual's success associated with dyslexia may influence children to become more introvert, reserved, and nervous. This nervousness and depression is only observed in the children with dyslexia ...
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