"Dyscalculia is a term that refers to a wide range of problems related to learning math skills. There is no single form of learning disability in mathematics and the difficulties encountered vary from person to person and affect differently in every moment of the life cycle of individuals. Dyscalculia is a specific difficulty in the process of learning mathematics or learning that requires a certain level of reasoning. The term dyscalculia refers specifically to the inability to do math or arithmetic. Not related to intellectual level or the teaching method used, but with other changes. It is considered a variation of dyslexia.
These are people with normal IQs who have problems with math signs and directions, etc.
What are the effects of dyscalculia?
As difficulties involving math is different, likewise so are their effects on a person's development. For example, a person who has problems with verbal processing will have different challenges to those who have difficulties in visual-spatial relations. Another person who has difficulty remembering and maintaining proper sequence will perform in the field of mathematics also differently.
Early childhood
Build a solid foundation in the calculation involves different skills. The child with learning disabilities may have difficulty as to the meaning of numbers, problems with tasks such as grouping objects by shape, color or size, recognizing groups and patterns, comparing opposites using concepts such as big / small high / low. Learn to count, recognize numbers and matching numbers with certain quantities can also be difficult for these children (Aylward, 2003).
School children
As math learning continues, school-age children with verbal processing difficulties may have difficulty solving basic math problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They may have difficulty remembering basic math facts (tables, units of measure), and problems by applying knowledge and skills to solve math problems.
Difficulties may also arise due to faulty visual-spatial skills, where the person can understand mathematical facts but have difficulty putting and organizing them in the paper.
Puedentambién visuospatial difficulties cause difficulties in understanding what is written on the blackboard or the book of mathematics.
Adolescents and adults
If basic math skills are not mastered many teenagers and adults with dyscalculia may have difficulty moving toward more advanced applications of mathematics. The verbal processing difficulties may make it difficult for a person to understand mathematical vocabulary and without this vocabulary c is difficult to construct mathematical knowledge.
Success in more advanced math procedures requires that a person is capable of multistep tasks. For individuals with learning disabilities may have difficulty viewing patterns different parts of a math problem or identify information needed to solve an equation or complex problems.
What are the warning signs?
As the mathematical difficulties are variables, the signs that a person with dyscalculia may have are themselves diverse. However, having difficulties in learning mathematics does not necessarily mean that the person has a learning disability. This should be determined by a neuropsychological evaluation to assess what the exact nature of the difficulty and on that basis which are the most appropriate next steps (Moffitt, 1990).
If a person has problems in any area of ??which follow an evaluation could be beneficial:
• Good language development, reading and writing, but difficult ...