Dynamics Of Leadership

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The Dynamics of Leadership



2.1 Leadership Roles and Responsibilities5

2.1.1 Leadership Role Relating to Volunteers7

2.2 Developing Leadership Skills through Experience and Education7

2.3 Contribution of Regional Managers can make while Working with Full Time Staff9

2.3.1 Leadership Issues9

2.3.2 Motivating Team Members9

2.3.3 Developing Leadership Skills10

2.4 Factors that will determine the Leadership Success of those Managers and how their Performance might be Measured and Judged11


The Dynamics of Leadership


Leaders play a very important role in ensuring that their subordinates are working in a manner that is helpful for them, as well as, the organization. They are the ones who should ensure that the employees are motivated enough to work in a manner that will help them in gaining the benefits by performing to their best potential. The performance of the employees depends a lot on the leaders and this is why it is said that the leaders should possess qualities that will help the employees in helping the company to grow and become successful and in remaining motivated. The leaders have to make sure that they play their role in a manner that will prove to beneficial for the organization and are able to take decisions that will prove to be helpful for the employees. Considering the global dynamics of the 21st century, the organizations must have a potential leadership structure, and has a significant role in the successful achievement of organizational goals. Furthermore, the effective leadership structure has a direct association with the accomplishment of these elements. The idea is to harmonize the entrepreneurial capabilities in the operations, activities, and overall processes of the organization.

Decision making is one of the most important characteristic of a good leader; therefore, it should be made sure by the leaders that the decision that they take is effective for both, the employees and the organization. Depending on the type and nature of the organization, leadership changes and there are different ways of managing people. The fact is that leadership dynamics assist organizations in maintaining a disciplined structure. Leadership in charity organizations is much different and they have to make sure that the employees remain motivated and perform their work with honesty as they have to work for the common good. This paper will discuss the leadership skills, qualities and requirements of the regional managers/leaders of Show 'u' Care.


There are many explanations of the term leadership and there are many characteristics and aspects that explain the same concept. A leader is the one person who is recognized due to his personal traits and characteristics. A person who possesses certain qualities is known as a leader. It is said that leaders are born, not made, which is true to some extent. Leadership is something that cannot be learned or acquired; it is something that the person has in him as he possesses the qualities of being a leader. Currently, this concept is changed and altered because the world because with the changing world and increased competition, there are training sessions that are conducted for inculcating the leadership qualities in a ...
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