Duo Technology

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Duo Technology

Duo Technology

Task 1

Strategic Human Resource Management is carried out by connecting HRM with tactical goals and objectives in order to enhance business activity and developing organizational cultures that boost inventionas well as flexibility. It comprises offsetting up HR activities as well as consumption in such a way to facilitate organizations to accomplish their goals. Human Resource actions such as recruitment, selection, training along with rewarding employees are made by keeping in mind the corporation's goals and objectives. Organizations focus on classifying, analyzing and matching two types of forces that are; the organization's external opportunities along with the threats on one hand as well as its internal strengths and weaknesses on the other. Human Resource system's arrangement with the organization's goals has helped organizations to accomplish outstanding targets (Cyprus, 2013).

Human resources (HR) comprises of recruiting, hiring, teaching, retaining as well as firing. Within every particular area, there are verified efficient human resource management policies. Since employees are a much-needed factor of production in any business, triumphant management HR techniques are pivotal for a prolific team environment to take place that can generate the profits the company requires to survive. Finding and grooming employees consumes time as well as money since a HR person must be paid for; not employing effective human resource management tactics can be expensive for an organization. Paying on the behalf of employees to help them take related courses or programs can be one of the most efficient human resource management tactics for creating both proficient and content workers. Free learning helps employees to develop and mature individually as well as on the job. Realizing that the organization sees them as worth investing in by sustaining their learning goals, these workers are more probable to desire to stay with the organization rather than resigning to join the competitors.

Task 2

High-performing organizations realize that employee commitment is a key contributing aspect route for sustaining long-term triumphs well as creating value. An engaged labor force helps optimize and keep hold of talent for the long-standing because the workers prefer to stay, even when other job alternatives exist.

In plain words, employee commitment is the force of affection a worker senses for a company. It can be calculated by the extent to which an employee is prepared to accept managerial values and objectives. It may be calculated by the extent to which a worker performs his/her job duties. Also it may also be calculated by conduct maintained in the office. The three levels of commitment are:

Affective commitment towards an organization

Affective commitment is how much aworkertruly feels part of an association has an incredible effect on a worker as well as organizational performance. Great levels of affective commitment in workers will not just affect continuance commitment, but also push the worker to try to get others into the talent team of the business. Aworker with high ranks of affective commitment works as a promoter of the company (Powell, 2012). In contrast, a worker with high continuance commitment but meager affective commitment may ...