The study relates to DSM which focuses on treatment planning. It is important to note that DSM aims to classify mental illnesses among people. The Research Agenda of DSM-V include an international gathering of researchers who constituted several work groups. The work groups were established to discuss the utility and scope of the current DSM-V, to create research agendas for DSM-V, and to offer recommendations in the areas which include nomenclature, neuroscience, development, disability and impairment, cross cultural issues and gaps in the current diagnostic system.
The DSM was originally introduced to classify mental disorders and facilitate agreements between insurance companies. This latest version has generated much controversy as the British Psychological Association been contrary to the application of a purely biomedical model for understanding mental disorders, because, as we know, also influencing its development and psychological factors social. In relation to this, the DSM-V in relation to the previous version of the DSM IV-TR, presents changes related disorders organization, as these are set by gender, development and cultural characteristics of the patient, eliminating the multi system assessment which created artificial distinctions. But the most substantial, refers to developments in specific diagnoses of different disorders (Kupfer, Regier, 2002).
The autism spectrum disorder (ASD) comprises four separate diagnoses were DSM-V autistic disorder, Asperger's disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, and pervasive developmental disorder. ASD is characterized by deficits in communication and social interaction, and behavior, restricted interests and repetitive activities and stereotyped. When only the presence of the first, then the diagnosis is social communication disorder disappear therefore well established diagnoses such as Asperger syndrome. With regard to anxiety disorders, dissociative disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder before unified under the same heading, currently described in separate paragraphs to legitimize its distinct character.
As for PTSD, the DSM-V includes four groups of symptoms for diagnosis: re-experiencing, arousal, avoidance and persistent negative alterations in cognition and mood. Moreover, taking into account the level of development, there are different diagnostic criteria for children under age 6. The DSM-V could dramatically increase rates of mental disorders. This occurs in two ways new diagnostics that could be extremely common in the general population and lower diagnostic thresholds for many existing disorders (Samuel, Widiger, 2006).
Even though the small number of narrative joining the DSM and culture, several investigators have certified the significance of bearing issues of civilization in mind in evaluation and analysis of psychological concerns, and quite a few writers have recommended lines of attack for taking on in practices of diagnosis of the culture sensitively. This formulation of the culture facilitated the psychoanalysts to evaluate;
A general assessment of culture for appropriate analysis and management;
Components of culture that affect the relationship between the counselor and the client;
Cultural background of the clients;
Potential explanations of the issues of client in culture;
Probable factors in culture that is associated with the mental milieu and working out of the clients.
The DSM supplies the initial system of diagnosis for communication between the experts, ...