Dsdm Atern

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Development, Frameworks and Methods

Development, Frameworks and Methods


DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development Method) is an Agile method that helps and assist the management in working in the most efficient manner and make sure that the employees are able to work with the changes that are implemented in the business. In addition to this, it is also essential that the company utilizes the management function in the most efficient manner as the business will be able to work for the success of the organization. This paper will discuss the implementation of DSDM Atern within CSA and how the management has ensured effective working of the process.


Management Summary regarding Implementation of DSDM Atern within CSA

The Children Support Agency (CSA) is a national charity organization that works for the young aged 12-24. There are four main area where CSA focuses, they are housing, family support, education & training, and tackling crime. These are the four most important areas where CSA ensures that complete support is provided to the young people and that they are able to work for the betterment of the community. The main goal of the organization is to ensure that the young people ensure that the young people contribute something good to the community and that it helps them to lead a good life.

Employees working for CSA are enthusiastic and help the business in helping to contribute in the most efficient manner. CSA operates in different regions keeping in mind the different sectors the company focuses on. The company has started operations in London and as a result new employees were hired. A number of changes were required in the information system of the company as it had to make sure that the information of the company is passed on within the organization in an efficient manner and that it helps the management to take the right decisions.

It is important for the management to make sure that the steps that are being taken for the betterment of the organization are accepted by the employees and that they do not resist the change. In this case, employees working for CSA are in dire need of an effective process so that they can work in the most efficient manner. When DSDM Atern will be implemented the company will be able to operate in a much more effective manner. The management has taken the decision of implementing DSDM Atern in the organization and ...
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