Drugs To Improve Memory

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Drugs to Improve Memory

Drugs to Improve Memory


Technological Advancements have taken a rather quick and deep turn within the last decade with the invention of latest techniques to modify the human intellect. Scientists work continuously on ways to somehow come up with some idea that ends up with the multiplication of human intelligence easily (Strickland, 2001). One such invention is known by the name of memory-enhancing or in some case smart drugs. In order to better understand about how these drugs work, what is the logic behind their usage, and what are the possible consequences and advantages of using them; an in depth discussion regarding the relevant factors is required.


The Invention of Smart Drugs

Known by the name of nootropics, smart drugs or cognitive enhancers, scientists have developed certain products directed towards improving mental abilities such as problem solving, concentration, learning, decision making, attention and planning.

Basic Concept behind Invention

The basic idea behind the invention of these drugs were to help people with mental and memory loss problems, so that they could live a normal life. However, like every invention has two folded effects, after some time another idea came into the market. This time, the idea was to promote these drugs for usage by the general public with no mental health problems. The basic concepts behind this proposition include the following.

To help general people get a mile ahead in their work.

To generate high revenues for the business.

To help youth and young generation in overcoming their educational constraints without excessive struggle.

Although the proposed picture of the usage of the drugs represents a sweet little interpretation where everything goes well and good and the people live happily ever after. But behind the picture, the usage of such smart drugs could cause some serious medical side effects due to their secret ingredients.

Nature of Memory

Understanding the exact ...
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