Drug Trafficking In The United States

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Drug trafficking in the United States

Drug trafficking in the United States


The phenomenon of drug trafficking is an unmistakable sign of the severe structural crisis of society (including social levels, economic, political and cultural): Extreme concentration of wealth in the countryside and the city, lack of agrarian reform, crisis of values ideological, moral and ethical issues, lack of opportunities (economic, health, education, communication), breakdown of the rule to society, an inordinate desire for wealth, a state of social breakdown and protruding a worrying trend of corruption.

Initially the war on drugs was a stage that had a lot of repression, unilaterally, and some ingenuity. It was believed that it was sufficient to eradicate the cultivation areas, Suppress addicts, dealers and business leaders, enhance and improve the systems of control and creates a campaign customs desestimuladora consumption to contain the waves flowing from drug producing countries and American refiners. Thus, measures were taken to eradicate coca crops, improve detection and confiscation of proceeds, increasing arrests of those involved in business and dictate laws to increasingly severe penalties for consumption, possession and trafficking drug. But all these measures were ineffective.


Drug trafficking is an illegal industry worldwide. The drugs are trafficked by brokers who may be treated as contractors, multinational empires that rival in size with national governments. The problem of production, trafficking and consumption of drugs that affect and concern too many parents, educators, politicians, religious leaders, etc. In short, there are many people that are making me so. We see that there are people with a wrong and distorted vision of the problem with information incomplete. Many of them develop actions with good intentions but miss the nail. The problem is complex and complicated (Guilhem, 2003).

Today in U.S this is a social problem of intense displeasure, closely related to the problem of violence and insecurity that prevails in the country at the present time, i.e. before 1960 which was a problem of certain groups of consumers and their families (an individual health problem), today occupies the attention of all, we are concerned at all. It became a collective problem. Drug trafficking is a social problem whose solution requires the broad participation of citizens and public and private organizations, in actions to seek holistic development that emphasizes the emotional growth, intellectual and social development of the population and educating people to refuse to participate in this kind of malfeasance. We need to develop alternative social practices: actual valid actions aimed at changing the conditions for the emergence and growing problem of drug trafficking or any other that weakens the individual and society, and the obstacles that prevent us from developing our action preventive (U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, n.d).

Characteristics of Drug Trafficking In U.S

Covering drug trafficking activities from the purchase, financing and transportation of raw materials , inputs, outputs and products, the establishment of laboratories, their operation and clandestine airports, to the creation of intricate networks marketing to wholesale and retail, apparatus of violence and bribery of officials and politicians and mechanisms for money ...
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