Drug Policy, History And The Related Social Issues

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Drug Policy, History and the Related Social Issues

Drug Policy, History and the Related Social Issues


There are a number of issues that have the intensity to and magnitude to various fields of life. Unfortunately, some of these issue that humans face, have came into existence as a result of human's inappropriate use of various useful objects. Moreover, continuing such activities that serves no purpose and on the contrary affects various aspects of an individual's life is senseless. One of such activities is the common use of drugs throughout the globe for different intentions. The health experts have been alarmed by the exponential increase in the drug usage amongst not just teenagers but every age group. Therefore, governments all over the globe have been encouraged to arrange various awareness programs in order inform the individuals regarding the threats that usage of drug imposes on the health and various other social aspects of an individual. Moreover, various strategies and laws have been enforced by the governments in order to control the usage.


A few decades back no one would have thought the drugs that use to have a central role in fields of pharmacy for the production of various medicines would be used for purposes of performance enhancement and pure entertainment. The various side effects that resulted from the usage of these drugs forced various government to take official legal steps in the controlling the menace from further spreading. As a result, several drug policies have been proposed, planned, discussed, incorporated and now officially practiced in a number or countries. This workplace, offices, universities, sports and several other fields and institutes have also started to implement strict laws and policies and also suggest the penalties and punishments if these policies are violated (Kleiman, 2011).

Features of a Drug Policy

The policies proposed by the governments in order to control drug abuse basically contain the description that caters with the supply and demand of the drugs in a region. The policies also contain steps that can be taken in order to moderate the affects of the abuse of drugs. The steps that can be taken to achieve demand reduction includes official prohibition of drug abuse, fines and punishments for drug offences and imprisonment if the drug offences committed are greater in intensity. The working and operating principles of rehabilitation programs for the drug abusers is also discussed in these policies.

However, the individuals who do not take drugs in alarming quantities, however, still take some amount nevertheless should also be catered. For this group of individuals, planning of several community social services, awareness campaigns and programs thorough various different mediums and programs to support the families of drug abusers is also discussed in these policies.

Measures in Supply side reduction include enacting the foreign policy of the state. Moreover, it also includes steps that can be taken in order to eliminate the foreign cultivation of plants that are commonly used in the synthesis and production of the drugs. Moreover, effective, useful and strict laws ...
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