Drug Culture - Marijuana Vs Narcotics

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Drug Culture - Marijuana vs. narcotics

Drug Culture - Marijuana vs. narcotics

Marijuana is a narcotic that is developed from the cannabis designt. Marijuana has many road names encompassing; vessel, grass, weed, Mary Jane, Cannabis, herb, ganja, chronic, haze, Buddha and reefer. Its side consequences include: disarray, decrease of short period memory, boost in appetite, hallucinations and loss of motivation. It may be awful for your lungs and heart but its affirmative consequences exceed its negatives. Marijuana has been proven to hinder cancerous diseaseous diseaseous diseaseous disease units and relaxes your body and mind. Today's humanity is evolving more hectic and brutal every year. Organized crime will decrease by taking marijuana off the streets and putting it into the stores. With cannabis incorporated into our society it will therapy so numerous ails that plague us today.

Marijuana has been used for centuries as a pain killer and a remedy for many illnesses and problems. THC or tetrahydrocloride, the hardworking chemical in Marijuana, has recently been found out to hinder cancerous disease cells from growing. Astudy by Manuel Guzman of Madrid Spain found out that Cannabinoids, or THC, has slowed and even halted tumor development in lab animals. "Found that THC slowed down the development of lung cancers, breast cancers, and virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and extended their inhabits by as much 36 percent." was asserted by researchers in a Virginia health College. With the amount of persons dieing everyday from cancerous disease we can't afford to not address the positive utilises of medicinal marijuana.

Doctors certainly prescribe pain murderers like Vicatin, Condine, and Perkasets to persons after wound, surgery, and even while being ill. Yet these agony murderers are very addicting and can cause impairment to your stomach and mind over time. With the use of Marijuana rather than of these pain killers, persons are less likely to become obsessed, yet marijuana gives the identical effects with less contradictory edge effects. With the use of vessel as a agony killer many persons could make use of weed when they were not adept to use other agony murderers before. "The accumulated data show a promise therapeutic worth for cannabinoid pharmaceuticals, particularly for symptoms such as agony respite, command of nausea and vomiting, and appetite stimulation."(Institute of surgery) Reefer would not just alleviate the pain in patients it would also be proceed as a remedy for numerous illnesses. Many illnesses encompassing glaucoma are remedied by the ingestion of marijuana by either fuming, eating or consuming it. Today England investigators are creating THC in tablet form so patients would no longer have to fumes the drug. It has also been proven to slow the development of the HIV/AIDS virus in numerous patients that have been studied. Marijuana is good for our wellbeing and our mind. (drugwarfacts.org, 1)

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