Drug Assessment Case Study

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Drug Assessment Case Study

Drug Assessment Case Study


This paper intends to explore the given case of Maxine, who has a drinking problem. It attempts to discuss the issues that are involved and the potential risks and harms. Further, this paper employs the use of Bio Psycho Social Model as evidence to demonstrate and explain the rationale. In addition to this, recommendation is made as to what kind of medical service shall be suitable for the client.


Case Details:

The case is about a female client named Maxine, 20 years of age. She has been experiencing a problem of drinking. She has been drinking 2 bottles of wine everyday since 6 months. She has a 3 year old daughter living with her. She is very depressed about her drinking habit, and wants to quit but seem unable to survive even a day without drinking. Earlier, she availed the services of AOD youth services but she relaped again.

Treatment History:

Maxine got indulge in this problem at a very early age. She did realize of potential risk it may cause in future, thus she went to AOD youth service many years before her pregnancy. She got counseling and withdrawl service from AOD youth system, which proved to be successful. She remained sober for about six months, however she relapsed again after the birth of her baby. The feeling of depression took over her, since she was alone at home raising her child and not working. This made her isolated with little social life. Thus, this led her to start drinking again.

Assessment of the Case:

Negative feelings can be adopted as a part of genes a person has, or sometimes it is a mental stress which turns a person in having negative feelings. In the case of Maxine, earlier she was successful in withdrawing alcoholism but she got ...
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