Drug Addiction

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Drug Addiction in America and the Use of Adderral

Drug Addiction in America and the Use of Adderral


Drug addiction is an epidemic that has taken over some of the lives of those who are misfortunate enough to be imprisoned by the grips of addictions. Hundreds of thousands of Americans die every year due to alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use, everyday. The background (history) of the problem, need, or plan for change (Zito, 2001).

The main focus of this research is on the frequency of drug addiction and use of adderral. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that drug-related deaths have more than doubled since the early 1980s. It also reports one in four deaths in the United States is attributed to alcohol, illicit drug use, and tobacco. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder. It caused with young children and is very common (Zito, 2002). Reasons behind this disorder are that children do not get attention at home which then creates hyperactivity. ADHD has become very common within children, because they say that they cannot concentrate on their studies (Diller, 2008). This disorder is difficult to diagnose because it is hard to draw lines between a normal child and a children suffering from this disorder. Major symptoms of this disorder are that children are easily distracted and find it difficult to concentrate and keep them motivated.

To fight with this disorder, a drug named Adderral was developed. This drug was developed to help people cope up who are experiencing ADHD; however, the use of this drug has increased a lot in the past few years (Zarin, 1998). This drug is now being used by many students to keep them motivated and concentrated during the classes. Students use this drug during their exams, and when they have to prepare their final reports, so that they do not get de-motivated, and do not waste their time procrastinating or day dreaming.

Research Questions

1.What is it that makes a person want to do illicit drugs?

2.What are some ways that we can stop the destruction of methamphetamines?

3.Why do so many fall victims to their harmful and deadly spell?

4.What are we as a Nation trying to do to stop this cycle of endless destruction?

5.What is the relationship between gender and adverse effect adderall.

6.What is the relationship between gender and adverse effect adderall.

7.What is the relationship between age and the adverse effect of adderall.

Much of this research's work will rely exclusively on school records or Medicaid samples. It is very difficult to extract data related to use of drugs from American schools. The study will use students with ADHD. Researched will use Random sampling. The quantitative data will be analyzed (Sadock, 2007). For a quality analysis of qualitative data, the judgment factor plays the most important and significant role. The researcher experience and his judgement would be the best barometer to analyze the qualitative data.


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