Drug Abuse

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Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse


The problem of drug abuse is rife in a lot of counties and is considered as a very serious issue. Billions of dollars are consumed every year internationally in order to prevent the misuse of drugs, to treat the addicts and to fight against all the drug related crimes. Even though drugs threaten a lot of societies, but still their effects could be combated successfully. The abuse of drugs is known for causing countless problems for countries and for communities as well. The psychological and the medical effects are also very obvious to all. Those people who are drug addicts, they are not capable of functioning as normal individuals of the society. Also, they neglect and abuse their family and friends and eventually in the end, they are left with no other option but to go through expensive treatment and prolonged hospitalization. Another major effect of the drug is on the crime rate within a society. Massive police resources are required in order to fight the dealing and the smuggling of illegal drugs. A lot of criminal gangs as well as underworld mafia have developed because of the money acquired because of the smuggling of drugs. Nevertheless, a lot of efforts are being made by the government of most the countries so as to fight against drug abuse. And through proper strategies, the menace and the threat of drug could be fought. And the first step to fight against this issue is the provision of Education to all. Children, at a very early stage, should be informed properly in school and in home about the effects of drugs. The reason behind this is the fact that in order to avoid drugs, everyone should be aware at first about its side effects so that it would become easy for them to avoid it. Another approach that could be used to fight against drugs is to increase the manpower in police and other concerned authoritative departments and to create some new and effective laws and regulations in order to put a stop for the drug dealers. But even then, the prime target should be those who are drug addicts. The counselors, families and friends should talk to children to make them aware and also to those people who are at a risk of becoming addicts. Parents need to monitor their children very carefully and closely since the very start and should train them in such a way that they would grow up to become responsible citizens. Most of the people are capable of using prescription drugs without experiencing any kind of negative consequences. But, this is very rare. For the majority of people, drugs are responsible for causing serious problems at home, at work, at school or college, in relationships and it lefts a person completely helpless, ashamed and isolated. The following paper considers drug abuse in detail.


The widespread problem of drug abuse

Most of the people in our society completely fail to understand what exactly is the reason due to which ...
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