Driving Safety And Types Of Distractions

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Driving Safety and Types of Distractions

Driving Safety and Types of Distractions


The main purpose of the research work is on the safety driving and explaining the types of distraction while driving which can the cause be of various accidents and deaths all over the world. Considering the criticality of this issue, and in order to understand the ways in which driving can be done safely, five journal articles have been selected for this paper.

Research Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of this research paper revolve around finding the reasons that effect the driving and safety of the driver, to analyzed the driver's distraction and type of distraction and its impact on the driver's safety and analyze the usage of cell phone while driving, which is considered as one of the main cause of distraction.


According to McEvoy et.al in 2006, the distracting activities during driving are quite common and are main cause of errors in driving. Distractions in the driving are considered to be the main cause of crashes and accidents. This research work was carried out in two cities of Australia and identified that there should be a strategy that can minimize the distracting activities during driving.

However, Kristie (2003), a comprehensive review of the research work has been delivered in which the main focus is given on driver distraction and their driving. In this article, it has been identified that distractions are of two types, technology based and non technology based. A research was carried out by taking the same types of distractions.

Hosking & Young in 2006 carried out research work in which they focused on the effects of text messaging while driving. It was identified that the drivers can become distracted in three ways: looking away from the road (visual distraction), thinking about something else while ...
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