Driving Safety And Types Of Distractions

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Driving Safety and Types of Distractions


Research Question3

Hypotheses/Null Hypothesis3

Sample Characteristics3

Sample Size3

Sample Characteristics4

Controls in the Sampling5

Sampling Technique6


Operational Definitions6

Distracted Driving6

Factors of Distracted Driving7

Measuring the Variables7

Data Collection8

Research Design8


Potential Ethical Issues9




Research Question

The research question formulated to address the issue of Driving Safety and Types of Distractions are as follows:

What is distracted driving?

Identify the elements contributing towards increased distraction while driving.

Explore the possible risks and consequences of the types of distractions that might be faced by the drivers.

What is the prevalence of distracted driving amongst adults and teenagers?

Hypotheses/Null Hypothesis

Hypotheses of the current research are: distracted driving is caused by various factors including cell phone usage as one of the most essential ones. Also, it is hypothesized that the possible risks and consequences of distraction while driving include injuries and tickets for speeding, crossing the signal and being a nuisance to other drivers. Moreover, regarding the prevalence of this problem, it is hypothesized that the prevalence of distracted driving among adults and teenagers has seen a tremendous rise in the past decade.

Sample Characteristics

Sample Size

Participants selected for the descriptive research include three groups across different age brackets. Total sample will consist of 100 participants. Although the sample size of 100 participants can be criticized and made an issue, but it is assumed that owing to the type of research, that is, descriptive, extensive qualitative data from 100 participants will suffice and provide an insight into the issue (Crouch, 2006).

Sample Characteristics

As the research method chosen for this research is descriptive requiring in-depth information about every research question and to test the hypotheses; therefore, the sample has to be an accurate one, equally representing the population in sampling so as to avoid any sampling error. Sampling of the study is formulated after detailed study and analysis of the target population. Because of the fact that the research incorporates data from various age brackets to get a holistic picture, research is conducted as a cross-sectional one. Sections included in the sample are based on diverse age ranges, SECs and educational background. It entails participants from the following groups:

Teenagers (girls and boys) holding driving licenses that are new to driving and are between the age ranges of 18-21.

Also, teenagers (girls and boys) without proper licenses are also included in the study, so as to explore any possible differences among the attitudes and behaviors of teenagers who drive legally and the ones who drive without legal consent.

Married adults (male and female) of ages above than 21-35 years holding a proper driving license

Married adults (male and females) of ages above than 21-35 years but not holding a driver license or having an expired one

Unmarried adults (male and female) of ages above than 21-35 years holding a proper driving license

Unmarried adults (male and females) of ages above than 21-35 years but not holding a driver license or having an expired one

Married adults (male and female) over the age of 35

Married adults (male and female) over the age of 35

Overall, the whole sample will be divided almost ...
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