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Young Cale does not get much attention from her dad, but the day he takes her to his job will change both forever. Dad is a horse trainer for a wealthy owner, and the horse he is working on - Dreamer - is injured that exact night. Naturally, horse owners are businesspeople, and an injured horse is as good to them as a dead horse. Cale's dad cannot let his daughter see Dreamer murdered, so he fights back against the owner, gets fired, but manages to keep the horse. Together, they train Dreamer back to health, hoping to breed her with a healthy stallion and then sell the offspring for a healthy sum. Somehow Dreamer recovers, and Cale insists she can run again.

Cale's grandfather is estranged from her father, and they slowly and awkwardly reconnect through Dreamer's recuperation. Misunderstandings threaten to separate Cale and Dreamer, and she runs away from her father nearly a dozen times as the shattered girl in tears. Cale's mother is willing to risk everything to keep this horse that has brought her family together.

Russell is the brooding pragmatist who does not want to take a risk, until she convinces him that he needs to have a little faith. Even before that happened, we already know the film's biggest conflicts, involving Dreamer's career and Cale's family, will all be sorted out quickly and painlessly. Despite Dreamer's standard formula, these children and parents were still there, next to Cale and her dad in that stadium, passionately rooting for a horse they had come to embrace (Groothedde, 76).


The theme of the movie is about a family. It is originally inspired by a true story of Mariah's Storm, a filly who, during a race broke a leg in 1993. After a year, the filly came back into the race and won the Arlington Heights Oaks in 1995. Turf way Breeder's Cup was awarded (Groothedde, 76).


The message in the movie is that how a dream can come together. The movie shows that how a broken family, full of misunderstandings, comes together to cure and take care of an injured horse. If it had not been for the horse, “dreamer”, the family must not be united then. Cale Crane referred to her horse that, “You are a great champ. When you run, the ground shakes, the sky opens and mere mortals parted. It is part of the way to victory, where you will meet me in the winner's circle, where I'll put a blanket of flowers on your back.”

Main idea

The main idea in the movie revolves around the true story of Mariah's Storm, a filly who, during a race broke a leg in 1993. After a year, the filly came back into the race and won the Arlington Heights Oaks in 1995. Turf way Breeder's Cup was awarded. The main characters in this movie are the father and the daughters. The family is occupied by strange misunderstandings which have made the mood of the home sad and distant. Even though, it is ...
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