Drama Essay

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Drama Essay


A Doll's House is a realistic social drama by Henrik Ibsen, published in 1879. The play premiered at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen, in December 1879. The production was sold and became a great success. The play was a scathing critique of the traditional roles of men and women in the Victorian ("old") marriage. A Doll's House created a sensation when it was released. A Doll's House was hotly discussed in all quarters, both in the public debate and in private circles. The play was Ibsen's first international success. With that he entered the world of literature.


"A Doll's House" by Henrik Ibsen was finished and published in the era of realism. The play was, at that time, much discussed and criticized. The reason for this was the subject Henrik Ibsen wrote the play. Henrik Ibsen's plays are performed in theaters all over the world. It is interpreted and performed in different ways depending on what country or religion as a player, it also comes on the rules. The story chronicles the life of a family where the main character Nora, a woman in a difficult situation, decide that for the sake of her husband to borrow some money, an action completely wrong view at that time. The play is about how she is faced with the situation where her husband will know about the wrongdoing he has done and then the reaction of people around her. At the end of the play when the husband finds out what Nora made by and reacts in a way that is not expected. This is the moment where Nora realizes how during all this time had been living a lie and decides to find herself and perhaps transformed (Törnqvist, p. 2).

By definition, society is a group of people who live and interact ...
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