Draft Report In Retailing (Us And Aus)

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Draft Report in Retailing (US and AUS)

Draft Report in Retailing (US and AUS)


Retailing is referred as the sales of services, products and goods from businesses or individuals to the end-users or customers. In retailing, retailers are the part of an integrated system which is referred as the supply chain. In the process of retailing, the retailers purchase the products or goods in extremely large quantities from the production points directly or through the market of whole sale. After wards, these retailers retail these products in the smaller quantities, in order to get the profit (Weitz & Whitfield, n.d.). According Fernie, retailing can be done in either pre-defined locations such as markets or stores, door to door or through the delivery. Furthermore, the retailing may also incorporate various subordinate services, like home delivery. It is often observed that, the development and progress of any country is highly dependent on its retailing strategies. These strategies may greatly help countries in generating revenues. The proceeding paper incorporates the comparison between the retailing in U.S. and Australia. This study also includes the comparison between the retailing of U.S. industries (Wal-Mart, Staples and Costco) and Australian industries (Kmart, Office-works and wool-worth) (Fernie, et.al.,2013).


Retailing in USA

U.S. industry is considered as the most dynamic and highly competitive industry. It is because of the reason that customers have extremely large number of retailers, so that they have vast options to select the retailers of their own choice. In addition to this, because of the availability of the information on the internet, customers are becoming more difficult shoppers. Furthermore, the diversity of the customer's requirements are also influencing the retailing trends in the United States. In this scenario, the owners of the retailer industry have to implement appropriate competitive strategies of differentiation or low cost. According to recent studies, retailers are emphasizing on innovative and effective retailing strategies in order to meet the requirements of their customers. Wal-Mart, Staples and Costco are considered as one of the best retailing stores of USA. All these retailing stores have implemented appropriate and effective retailing strategies. Those strategies have played a vital role in retaining their reputation and the reputation of their brand in the targeted market (Weitz & Whitfield, n.d.).

Retailing in Australia

Fernie asserts that, in today's era of competition, Australian retailing market is facing several problems due to customer's unexpected choices, complex global economy, excessive involvement of internet in business and fierce competitors in the targeted market. In this scenario, the retailers of Australia need to emphasize on appropriate and effective strategies in order to grow and sustain their reputation in the targeted market. It is observed that, in order to retain their reputation in the targeted market, Australian retailers are focusing on the providing the best services, products, quality and quantity to their customers. This may significantly help the Australian retailers in earning the loyalty of their customers. Kmart, office works and wool worth are one of the greatest retailers of Australia. It is because of the reason ...