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In the first part, I will be monitoring the electrical activity generated by contracting muscle (Electromyography = EMG). In so doing, I will hopefully gain some insight into one aspect of what increases contraction strength (recruitment of additional motor units) and the connection between the electrical and mechanical events in muscle contraction. In the second part of the exercise, I will be examining the effect of stimulation frequency to explore another aspect of what makes muscle contraction stronger - fused tetany. This portion of the exercise will underscore the importance of intracellular calcium levels in enabling muscle contraction, as well as how permitting more actin-myosin interaction results in stronger contraction (Hefftner, 1988).

Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this study was to quantify muscle activation and body sway on a series of unstable surfaces. The first part of this exercise will enables me to observe motor unit recruitment and fatigue in the skeletal muscles of the dominant and non-dominant forearms. I will utilize electromyography (the detection, amplification, and recording of changes in skin voltage produced by underlying skeletal muscle contraction) to observe the level of MU recruitment.


HO: During muscle contraction, electrical signals are generated by the muscle cells.

HA: During muscle contraction, electrical signals are not generated by the muscle cells.


The research methodology adopted for this research study is based on Primary Research. The experiments of electromyogram (EMG) will be conducted ob various people and then the observation will be noted down. Primary research is one in which the principal investigator goes to the field to collect the data. The participants in the primary research are approached by the principal investigator himself. There are many advantages of using the primary research. The primary research is easy to analyze as compared to secondary research.

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