Down Syndrome

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Down syndrome

Developmental Disability (Down's syndrome)


Learning or developmental Disability

Developmental disabilities include a spectrum of complex disorders that are responsible to caused intellectual disabilities, physical impairments medical conditions and speech disorder. Developmental disabilities can be easily identified at birth and they are often hereditary. Whereas learning disability is caused by difference in the brain structure impacting the ability to read, hear, speak, calculate and write.

Down syndrome

Down's syndrome is a genetic condition with a combination of physical and mental symptoms, resulting due to extra copy of chromosome 21(also called as trisomy 21) which changes the brain's and body's normal development .Instead of the normal 46 chromosomes patients with down syndrome has 47 chromosome in total which causes spectrum of signs and symptoms(Hartway,2009).

Signs and symptoms

The signs and symptoms ranges from mild to severe of the Down's syndrome. As compared to normal people the physical and mental development in patients having Down syndrome is slow. The I.Q in patients suffering from Down syndrome falls in mild to moderate range. They even have slow motor development and the language development is delayed as well. Some physical signs of Down syndrome include (Levenson D, 2009):

Hand and feet are usually small.

Deep creases on the palm and the eyes.

Iris of the eye has white spots

loose ligaments and poor muscle tone

Short neck, face is flat with an upward slant to the eye

Abnormal shaped ears and protruding tongue.

Social and mental skills are delayed (mental retardation)


Limitations associated with Down's syndrome

There are no such limitations related to Down syndrome, except the genetic factors associated with it. How an extra copy of chromosomes develops and causes the disease is unknown. Proper care and education will help improve the eminence of life efficiently despite the genetic limitations. Although many adolescents have physical and mental impairments and limitations but they can live ...
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