Dorothea Orem Theory Analysis

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Dorothea Orem Theory Analysis

[Name of the Teacher]


Background and significance4

My Ontological and epistemological belief5

Major assumptions of Orem's Philosophical Tenets6

Health and Illness7

Focus and goal of Nursing Care8

Orem's Ontological and Epistemological Beliefs and methods to create nursing knowledge9

Nursing, as the art and technology9

The terms Health and Healthy are associated with the living things9

The Nursing as a Service10

Identification of the Key Concepts10

Main propositions linking the Concept12

Benefits of the theory for clinical practice in African Americans and beyond the Clinical Problems16

Micro and Macro Theories to Guide Practices and Research16


The Micro Theories17

Self-care agency17

The Universal requisite17

Developmental requisites17

Health deviation requisites17

Therapeutic self-care demand18

Strengths and Weaknesses18


Dorothea Orem Theory Analysis


Dorothea Orem, the one of the foremost theorists in the field of nursing. She had been involved in nursing practices, services, and education. She developed her definition for the nursing practices in order to achieve the quality nursing in general hospitals. She proposed theory for universal development of self-care requisites as it is the primary prevention for health care and illness. The theorist has helped the nurses to practical implement the theory on the individuals and groups to change and maintain their own and environmental conditions.

Background and significance

The self care problems have greater prevalence in African American population then their counterparts due to their cultural, social, and traditional norms as well as their environment. According to Orem, a person needs self-care actions to sustain life, health, and to recover or cope with the diseases, injuries and their effects. She states that self-care is demanded when patients' family member are not able to meet the health care needs, nursing can meet the demands (Master, 2011). As the African American population is has a poorer condition comparing to other racial or ethical groups, they are not able to fulfill their self care needs, their environmental and living conditions are inadequate for health care provisions and management.

Researches have identified that Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) infection in patients with critically ill conditions is a result of bad nursing practices that can be reduced by changing nursing care practices, resulting to diminish the incidence causing VAP. The Orem's theories of Self care can help reduce the causative factors if, practically applied by nurses. The studies have exposed airway of the patients receiving ventilation can becomes colonized quickly with the negative organisms (Kunis, 2003). At the thought was that pathogens come from the mechanical ventilator. However, now the evidence has been accumulated that VAP origins from other sources than the ventilator (Hess, 2003). The cause of VAP pathogenesis is actually the permutation of two processes: The colonization of the aero digestive with bacteria in both the upper digestive and upper airway tract resulting in aspiration in the lower airway (Kollef, 1999a & 1999b).

My Ontological and epistemological belief

The prevalence of VAP is caused by the inadequate nursing practices. The condition of VAP patient is critical and the patient is entirely depended on the nurses and hospital staff for care.

The practices of the nurses in the ICU should be adequate and efficient that the incidence causing VAP in patients ...